3 - Meeting

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Athanasia took the opportunity to walk around the room when Caraks shuffled away towards the bookshelf, rifling through the books as if a predator sniffing out its prey.

The room at the very top of the Tower is very beautiful, with all the books written in ancient characters scattered all around the room. Desks full of materials related to magic, the shelves overflowing with the same stuff as a large globe encased in a metal stand stood beside the couch.

The large open window sticks out of the wall, free of the ivy that had overgrown back in her time. And the room itself is pretty free of dust, as if it was cleaned daily. A far cry from its form many years in the future.

Does that mean that the room wasn't used by anyone for so many years? She knew that Lucas sees that cleaning is a painful chore, but he should have cleaned it when he has the time.

She peered out of the window before gasping in surprise at the sight that greeted her.

Trees, trees and more trees surrounded the Tower, looking like a fields of grass from her spot at the top. Right at the distance, she could see a structure that she had only seen from the history books—the original Palace of the Imperial Family.

But instead of the usual set-up wherein the Emperor's Palace, the concubines and the princesses' palace are separated from each other, the original Palace is a single structure with a more larger frame than the one from her time.

It seemed more...medieval for her, compared to the Obelian Palace that she had grown up to, that had a more different kind of approach.

Even the walls surrounding were smaller, and the town had a wide distance from the very Palace itself. If she guessed it correctly, a person from the Palace would have to travel a whole day or two just to visit the town, unlike in her time where the distance that you have to cover were just an hour or two.

But even with that small downside, seeing the beauty of the past Obelian Empire is enough to knock the breath out of her. Well yes, there was so much difference between the old and the new Obelia, but it must be the result of the years that had passed.

"Wow, " she murmured to herself. "So much have changed over the years. "

Despite the changes that the Empire had faced, it was only nourished and protected by its people and by its current ruler. It made her so proud that she was seeing this historic sight for herself, to realize that even with the years that passed, the beauty of this Empire was still preserved for the other generations to see.

Even if it was altered throughout the years, it would still be the same.

Gosh, she was being sentimental there.

"Beautiful, isn't it? " she jolted in surprise when the magician suddenly spoke from somewhere behind her, still focused on his search for something at the bookshelves. "This is the pride of the Tower of Magician—the splendid sight of the glorious Empire from that spot could take anyone's breath away. "

"Yeah. " she answered back in a soft voice. "I never knew that you could see the whole Empire from this spot. "

Since it was her first time visiting Lucas on the Tower of Magician and with the sudden turn of events, she never really had the chance to look out of the open window so the sight of the Empire from the top of the Tower is a new sight for her.

Caraks' search continued for a long while as she tried to look for any places or spots that was familiar to her like the faint outline of the mountain range of the north, or the ocean at the east which was used for transport of stocks and barters.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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