•51• Sacrifice

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Yugyeom was on the couch, gaze unfocused. Automatically, after thinking of all that he had gone through, the tears wouldn't stop.

Thankfully, Tzuyu was there beside him to comfort him, easing his pain through her touch and words.

"I, I won't f-forgive my-myself... I..." He cried, hiccupping through his sentence like a small boy. Tzuyu pulled him closer, allowing his head to rest on her lap.

She too couldn't help but cry, guilt flowing in her heart to see him in such a condition.

"I'm sorry, Yug... I'm so sorry..."

"No... it's my fault, it's all my fault." He let out his pain finally and having Tzuyu by his side helped Yugyeom a lot too.

"M-my Dad, he was here... and h-he talked to me and then..." He whispered, now sitting up and she cupped his face, wiping all his tears away.

"Yug... Breathe, it's okay... Just breathe." She whispered, trying to console him the best, her heart aching for him.

Yugyeom took deep breaths as he stared into space, the events of last night rushing to his head.

Jungkook was Spider-man and he had no idea. Jungkook was the one who killed his father yet how was he the one who helped Yugyeom many times?

"Jungkook...He killed my father..." Yugyeom whispered, face blank as the thought registered in his head.

"Yug..." Tzuyu called out, patting on his shoulder to get his attention.

The silent room echoed with approaching footsteps to them, finding Jungkook, Taehyung and Felix walking to their side.

"Yug... we need to talk." Jungkook stated, bringing Yugyeom back from his haze of thoughts.

The latter stood up quickly, taking heavy steps towards Jungkook's side, grabbing him by his collar in a burning rage.

Taehyung gasped in shock, and Felix immediately stepped in , trying to get Yugyeom away from his Hyung but Jungkook gestured to him not to.

Yugyeom's eyes were filled with hate, jaws tightening as he stared at Jungkook deadly.

"WHY? YOU KNEW EVERYTHING! Y-You knew everything and you took him away! YOU TOOK MY DAD AWAY FROM ME!" Yugyeom screamed, shaking Jungkook in his hold angrily.

"I had to..."


Receiving only silence from Jungkook only enraged Yugyeom more. The images of his father and Jungkook killing him brewed the blind anger and Yugyeom punched Jungkook right on his face, stumbling the superhero back by the impact.

"YUGYEOM!" Taehyung screamed surprised, helping Jungkook up who hissed in pain.

Taehyung noticed how Jungkook's mouth dripped out blood. His boyfriend was already injured, not even a day from recovering and Yugyeom decided to punch him? After all that Jungkook did for him?

Oh boy, Taehyung was so furious, so ready to murder someone.

"Who do you think you are?" Taehyung asked, pushing Yugyeom back from Jungkook.

Yugyeom's eyes widened, realizing what he just did and he looked at his trembling hands, scared.

"You wanna know why he did it? YOU WANNA KNOW YUGYEOM?" Taehyung lost his cool completely, his patience fully tested.

"TAEHYUNG, DON'T!" Jungkook intervened but Taehyung was not going to listen to anyone today, not even Jungkook.

"YOUR FATHER KILLED HIS UNCLE, YUGYEOM! He killed Mr. Song because he knew how obsessed your father was with that fluid. He is the reason why we all are suffering, why this city is suffering. He created Goblin and that's why Spider-man, my Jungkook had to end him."

Spiderkook【ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ ɪɴ ꜱᴘɪᴅᴇʀᴠᴇʀꜱᴇ】 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now