Chapter 7-Anticipation

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Author's Note- I know this is an extremely short chapter (please don't kill me)! It was intended as a filler, and well, to build anticipation, as the chapter name suggests ;) You have always been extremely kind with your votes and comments-keep the love coming for this chapter too!

I promise I will upload a much longer chapter, where Dev will visit Meera, very soon!

Meera and Dev were both oddly excited about their late-night appointment the entire next day.

On one hand, Meera was a tad bit embarrassed about her overly forward invitation to Dev. She was worried that he might take their meeting for a date. But she was even more worried about her own confusion- had she herself meant it to be a date? Her head was whirling with questions and her heart, with mixed feelings

On the other hand, Dev was feeling a bit guilty. After much thought and deliberation, he realized he was attracted to Meera. The main reason he had accepted her invitation or challenge or whatever the hell it was, was because he wanted to be close to her, to get to know her. Yes, for him, this was nothing short of a date. Was it so wrong for him to feel this way? Only time would tell.

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