Chapter 2

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Olivia! come downstairs!"

I jog downstairs to see my parents sat in the living room waiting for me. they both had very serious looks on their face.

"Is everything okay?" I ask with concern.

My mom sighs and says "Olivia, your dad has been offered a higher paying job..."

I'm confused. Isn't that supposed to be a good thing? Why do they look so.... not happy right now? They aren't saying anything so I decide to say something. "And that's bad because...?"

They both had a look of guilt on their face. "Liv... the job is in Salt Lake City." my dad responded.

Wait WHAT?!

"Um, what?! A-are you going to take it?!"

"Of course, this is an amazing opportunity! I know it will be hard to lea-" my mom starts but I cut her off.

"So you really just want me to say goodbye to this place?! all of my friends are here! I can't leave madison!!! Oh my god... Ethan... I'm going to have to break up with him! I-I just-" tears start to form in my eyes, but before they can spill, I run up to my room and close the door.

How can they just expect me to be okay with this?! I can't leave everyone! I call madison because she is my best friend, and I need to tell her first.

CALL: (madison=bold, olivia=normal)

"Hey, girl! what's up"


"Omg liv what's wrong?"


"Hey hey, deep breathes. tell me what happened."

"I'm moving!" 


"I'm so sorry mads! My dad got a job offer in Salt Lake and they said he's going to tke it, which means I have to move with them! I really don't want to leave madison!! and I have to break the news to Ethan!! do you think we'll break up?! I don't want to but... maybe it's the only option? I Don't know what to do....."

"Liv you have nothing to be sorry about! It's not your fault! we will facetime everyday and that's a promise!"

"thank you mads you're the best! but what about Ethan?"

"I don't know about that one. but you need to talk to him soon."

"ok i will. thank you again, you wanna come over tomight? like a final sleepover thing?

"sure! i'll so you in a few hours ok?"

"ok bye!"

I hung up

Wow. She handled that really well!

Now I have to tell Ethan.

I think I might text him. I know that seems really shallow to do over text, but if i heard his voice i think i would just break down even more.


Ethan: hey baby <3

im moving. my dad was offered a job in SLC and he took it. i think i leave in 2 days. i  just found out a couple of minutes ago. im sorry. do you think we could try long distance?

i tried to get right to the point. was that a mistake? 

Ethan: seriously liv? after 2 years you're just going to leave? you could 've stayed with me! but no. i cant believe you. we're done.

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