Chapter 4

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Y'all I'm so sorry for not updating for a while! I've had major writer's block, and I'm about to start school again and, It's a LOT. 

I'll try to update more often from now on! 


Today's the day. It seems unreal. I'm going to be moving In with Jenna.

" Are you sure you need to do this Liv? Is seeing Josh that terrible?" Jenna asked, putting emphasis on 'that'.

"Yes, Jen. It's just too embarrassing.  I can't even look him in the eye..."

She just looked at me with an 'are you being serious right now' look.


"Don't think we didn't see you two lock eyes at the shelter!"

"I-I don't-", But I didn't even get the chance to argue, since she cut me off.

"No! I know what I saw Liv! Now I need you to be honest...", she looked at me intensely. "Do you think that there's a chance, that you could be avoiding Josh, Because you have feelings for him...?"

Oh. My. God.



"Woah, calm down. It was just a question." she looked genuinely scared, but she still had some disbelief in her eyes.

"Jen I want you to listen to me VERY carefully. I Don't, have never, and will never, have ANY sort of feelings for Josh." I almost hissed.

She looked at me like I had two heads.

"Yeah okay. Go put on your disguise."

Ugh. Sometimes, people can just get on my nerves. Why did she even consider the fact that I might have any romantic feelings for him?! He's infuriating! 

When I came up with the idea to 'move back to new mexico', I didn't think I could pull it off. But here I am, pulling it off. since I'm not out of high school yet, I cant actually move back, but I told them I need to learn how to live on my own, and suprisingly, they were ok with it.

I live in a small apartment complex a couple blocks from my parents' house, WIth Jenna. It's cramped, but cozy at the same time.

"You almost done Liv?!" I hear Jenna yell from the living room. She is the only person who knows about what I'm doing. I can't lie to her. 

"Yeah hold on!". Basically, my costume is just a ginger wig with bangs, some glasses, and blue contacts. I also have a fake nose ring... just for fun.

I come out of my room to show Jenna.

"Wow. It... Dosen't look like you."

"Yeah, I know. Thank you for helping me pull this off Jen. I couldn't have done it without you!" I speed-walk over to her and give her a hug.

"Anything for you Livvy!" she cooed, returning the hug.


So... Sabrina got here today. I was kind of hoping she wouldn't make it. Does that sound bad?

I hear a knock on the door, so I open it.

"Oh. Hey Sabrina".

"Hey Joshy!!" She says with a smile. But then smile Isn't real, you can tell. You know who's smiles are real?


"What do you need?" I ask, Trying to hint for her to leave.

"Can't I just say hello to my co-stars without a reason?" She exclaims. Her fake smile getting wider, which I didn't know was possible. She looks like the Cheshire cat.

"Umm, I guess..." I really want her to leave!

"So, I have a question!"

"Um, ok?''

"Are you single?" She asks, very casually.

Shirt. Is she gonna ask me out? What do I say?

"No. I have a girlfriend!"

Her face shows a hint of dissapointment, but shows mischeviousness immedeatly after.

"Well she's not here right now is she?" she asks. Taking a few steps closer.

"Um- Yeah she is! Its Sofia!!!" I Immedeatly run to Sofia's dorm, While Sabrina follows after me.

'God, please let me in Sof!' I think. Her door opens and I run inside.

"Can I help you Josh?" Sofia asks, while Sabrina goes into her and Sofia's room like nothing happened.

"SOFIA! you're my girlfriend right?!" I gave her a look that said 'just play along, I'll explain later', 

"Yes?" Her look shifting between me and Sabrina.

"See Sabrina?! I'm not single!" I let out a nervous laugh, and see Sofia mouth an 'oh' in my direction.

"I can't believe you're sleeping with my roomate Joshy! after all we've been through!"

"What are you talking about? I just met you today!"

"Ugh, whatever!" Sabrina scoffs as she storms out of the room.

"Thank you so much Sof!"

"No problem, I couldn't do that to you... She's aweful!"

"I know. I just want to stay away from her. I think she tried to seduce me!" I exclaim, trying to hold in my laugh, Just like Sofia.

But we both fail and burst Into laughter.



Did you guys see that Josh and Sabrina were spotted out together? Sabrina's sister was there but still. ;(

Ngl I'm kinda upset. Him and Olivia were so cute!

But If he's happy I'm happy for him.

Anyway, Thanks for reading!

Byeeeee <3

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