Chapter 5: "You, Or My Life?"

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'Ugh..... Where am i?' I thought to myself while i woke up, somewhere unfamiliar.

"Hey, you're finally awake." The voice said as i rubbed my eyes.

"Huh.... Oh it's you, Aunt Emi...." I said as my vision got clearer again.

"Yes it's me." Aunt Emi said.

"Why did i end up here....?" I said.

"A girl with silver hair brought you here, because you suddenly fainted." Aunt Emi.

"Oh, that's Yukina-san.... She's currently my girlfriend....." I said as Aunt Emi became more shocked and pale.

"What's wrong....?" I said.

"O-Oh,  nothing's wrong with having a girlfriend...." Aunt Emi forced a smile.

"What time is it....?" I said.

"It's midnight right now, your girlfriend tried to stay here all night, but i forced her to leave, she needs some rest." Aunt Emi said.

"I see, thanks...." I said.

"Remember that time where i came to your house?" Aunt Emi asked.

"Yeah, when i moved here for the very first time." I said.

"I left something there." Aunt Emi said.

"The song?" I said.

"Yes." Aunt Emi said.

"I'm practicing it right now." I said.

"Then, I leave it to your possession." Aunt Emi said.

"Anyways, care for some fortune telling?" Aunt Emi asked.

"Sure...." I nodded.

Aunt Emi then beginned to shuffle the deck of tarot cards blindly, and she shuffled very fast.

'What i expected from a family of fortune tellers, though i guess she likes being a doctor more....' I mumbled.

"Okay, I am going to draw the very top of the deck." Aunt Emi then showed a card.

"The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate... Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope, Yet, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.... Beyond the beaten path lies the absolute end, It matters not who you are... Death awaits you." Aunt Emi said with a very threatening tone.

"That's not rigged right?" I said, worried.

"That is your fate." Aunt Emi said.

"Why? How can i avoid that fate?" I said, desperate for answers, like a kid who didn't study from a test.

"Well, before that, I suppose i'll tell you the truth." Aunt Emi said.

"Okay." I nodded.

"What you're feeling right now, like your soul is slowly fading away, That is the curse of the Kisaragi bloodline, a 17 year old boy named Akihiko Kisaragi, was an extremely shining and handsome prince, but he was very sickly, and couldn't explore the world, but a 17 year old girl named Aiya Sato, was an average woman, they fell in love with each other, they got married, had a kid, but it was short lived, the princess got jealous and cursed Aiya, but it got redirected to the prince instead, and slowly died from his soul fading away everyday, it also affected his son, though there isn't much information about him..." Aunt Emi said a story.

"Sounds like a fairy tale...." I said.

"I know, but it's true, I saw your grandfather and mother die because of that curse, and you're gonna be no different." Aunt Emi said.

"You" (Yukina Minato x Male Reader) [Reboot]Where stories live. Discover now