Chapter 8: "Supporting You From The Sidelines"

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"Let's go home, shall we? I'll walk you home." I asked Yukina.

"Okay." Yukina nodded as we go to her house so i can walk her off, holding hands together.




We soon got into the front of her house.

"Goodbye, see you tommorow." Yukina said.

"Goodbye." I kissed her in the lips.

"Oi! No kissing allowed! That's illegal!" Lisa jokingly exclaimed, as Yukina became embarrassed.

"Hehe, see you." I said as i kissed her in the cheek and went my way home.




"Ugh... Cooperate with me you curse.....' I mumbled.

I managed to make my way home, struggling as usual, but i don't really mind it anymore, as long as i can spend time with Yukina, I don't mind not prolonging my life.

I quickly fell asleep, to preserve my energy.

(Timeskip 1 day before the event)

'Let's see, we'll need to buy... A lot of equipment, okay, let's just get this over with...' I thought to myself as i went to Edogawa Music, since it's near at CiRCLE.


bought the necessary stuff, with some shenanigans here and there, but i managed to do it.

As i was walking back to CiRCLE, my mind was in thought, entertaining me along the way.




"Oh, you're back, well done." Marina said.

I was panting very hard.

"Are you okay? Can you make it to the event?" Marina said in a worried tone.

"I'm fine..." I said.

"If you say so, well, we're going to set this up before the event, so, please come early tommorow." Marina said

"Okay." I nodded, since it's a weekend tommorow.

"Well, reminders out of they way, we still have work to do." Marina said.

"Understood." I nodded again.

We started working again, dealing with some usual shenanigans, with Poppin' Party and Hello, Happy World, but that was okay, I knew how to deal with it anyways.

'Them and their crazy antics....' I mumbled to myself while i clean all of the studio rooms.




"Okay, we're done here, make sure to come early tommorow." Marina said.

I nodded my head and started going home.




After a while, I came back and home and played the piano a bit and slept early.

"You" (Yukina Minato x Male Reader) [Reboot]Where stories live. Discover now