Chapter 9: "An Intimate Picnic With You"

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(Time Skip 2 days before the curse activates)

I spent my time just doing work, and squeezing out the fun bits of life, my condition is getting worse, and meeting Yukina's father on one of those days, that was not what i was expecting.


"You're here to pick up Yukina aren't you?" He said in a cold voice.

"Yes..." I said.

"I see, I heard about you from my daughter, no need to get intimidated." Yukina's father said.

"I see, thank you for trusting me." I bowed.

"No need to be too formal, you don't have to worry." Yukina's father said.

"Alright." I said.

"You're a good kid, I just have that feeling, anyways, I'll get Yukina for you, kid." Yukina's father said.

I bowed in thanks.

'That was nerve wrecking, so to say....' I said to myself.

(Flashback End)

'Perhaps we can go to another date, only simple things or i'll get exhausted.' I mumbled to myself while i turned on my phone to text Yukina.

I only just got out of school today, and i wanted to do something simple.

"Hey, Yukina, want to go on a picnic, I'll buy our sandwiches." I texted Yukina.

"Sure, It's been a while since we've gone a date." Yukina texted back.

"Alright, see you at the park." I texted back.

I closed my phone and the grabbed picnic blanket that was laying around, went outside and went to the park, buying some sandwiches along the way.

'Even a simple walk feels so heavy...' I mumbled to myself.

But instead of being scared, I didn't mind it, I already lived my best life, though i agree that it's unfair, being with Yukina filled my completely average life, I couldn't ask for anything more.

I went to the convenience store to buy sandwiches there.

"Oh, L/N-kun, you're here." Lisa said as i stepped inside the convenience store.

"Perhaps your hunger brought you here." Moca said.

"Well, I just came here to buy sandwiches for our date." I said.

"I see it's like that now, I am jealous." Lisa said.

"No need to get sad, Lisa-sam, you'll eventually find a person for you, maybe a scary and tall dude, but nice on the inside will take an interest for you." Moca pat Lisa on the back.

"I'm not that desperate!" Lisa exclaimed as we giggled.

'Spending times like these, is a treasure for me....' I said to myself as i went to buy sandwiches.

It was an easy choice, since i just the same 2 flavors, of course i bought plenty enough for us.

I brought back my grocery and paid for it.

"Have a good day." Lisa said.

"Have fun on your date." Moca said.

'Alright, let's just go....' I mumbled to myself as i went out of the convenience store amd continued walking.

I walked for a while until i saw Yukina.

"Oh, you're here." I said.

"Of course, well let's set up the picnic." Yukina as we grabbed the picnic blanket and placed on the green grass.

We sat down on it and set up the sandwiches there.

"And it's under a tree, it's very relaxing." I said.

"Now that you say that, yeah, you're right." Yukina said as we grabbed a sandwich and digged in.

'Yup, still good, even though i just bought it from the convenience store...' I mumbled to myself.

Tired, I leaned on Yukina's shoulder, Yukina caressing my hair gently.

"You're hair is soft, like a cat's fur." Yukina said with a little blush.

"Of course, I take care of it, like an average person." I said.

"What did i told you?" Yukina asked with a cold voice.

"Don't underestimate yourself..." I replied to her.

"Good." Yukina gave a small smile as she continued caressing my hair.

"Sorry, I guess i got used to that." I said.

"It's no problem." Yukina said.

I kissed her on the lips, and it turned to a make out session real quick, they weren't any people on the park right now except couples.

We continued kissing, only letting go of the kiss for air, only to do it again for a few times.

We gave each other a small smile after our quick make out session, we didn't need any words.

We continued to eat our sandwiches, the gentle wind cooling us down, showing our affection to each other in our way.

I was absolutely calm, ready to pass away, but i still want to spend my 2 days left with Yukina, so i persisted.

"Y/N-san, I love you." Yukina said with a slight blush on her face and looked at me intimately.

"I love you too, Yukina-san." I said as i kissed her on the forehead.

We stood up and cleaned up since we were done.

'That was an intimate picnic with you, not bad, if i say so myself.' I said to myself as i gave a small smile.

"I'll walk you home, Yukina-san." I said.

"Are you sure?, you look very tired." Yukina said.

"Of course." I nodded as we held hands while go to Yukina's house.




"Goodbye Yukina-san, see you tommorow." I said.

"See you tomorrow too, Y/N-san." Yukina said as i gave her a kiss on the lips.

I walked back home, until i went Paulownia Mall to get a gift for her.

I checked various places, until i stumbled upon the perfect necklace for her, it was a blue colored rose, with a silver touch to it, I liked it, so i bought it, it cost quite a bit of my penny though.

I went home immediately.




I made my wills, exactly to my father and Yukina, I also recorded the song to the both of them, I even gave my mother's song for Yukina, if it could help achieve her dream, even a little bit.

I called Aunt Emi, since she's only one who knows.

"Hello Y/N, what do you want?" Aunt Emi asked me.

"Oh, when i die, please give the wills in my bedroom to my father and Yukina, I named it so you won't get it mixed up." I said.

"I see, well, sure, that is your wish after all., Aunt Emi said.

"Anyways, good days to you." I said as i closed the call.

'Looks like i'll spend the rest of this writing...' I mumbled to myself as i clapped my face to get started.




'I put all of my emotions on writing those, I ran out of tears....' I said as i wiped away my tears.

I was basically tired, since i spend all of my time writing instead of resting.

I slept rather immediately.

------> To be continued ------>

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