Chapter 13

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It was 6 in the afternoon and I was spread out in the couch eating some popcorn, waiting for Jungkook to come back.

He said that he was going to tell me something when he comes back. I was in the middle of yelling at the screen of the tv because of the stupid characters.

Me: "Don't stand there you dumb bitch!! Get your man!!"

This stupid girl was just standing there while watching her boyfriend getting bullied because he was a nerd. She was an introverted girl and nobody really payed attention to her. She can be a badass but is stupid.

I turned off the tv since I was so fustrated of that girl. I went to the kitchen to make some home made asian food.

It was Thai thin noodles and chopped chicken pieces with sesami sause. (My mom makes this and it is soooo good👍😭)

I was done cooking and decided to get a glass of red wine. As I was pooring the red wine into the glass, I heard my front door open. I peeked over to see Jungkook smiling.

Aww he is a cute little bunny. I think he made me all soft. He spotted me and came torwards me.

I noticed he was hiding something behind his back and now I am starting to get curious.

Jungkook: "Hey Lisa~"

Me: "Hey Kookie! Do you wanna eat dinner with me?"

Jungkook: "Ooh~ it looks all romantic"

Me: "Come on, sit down"

He sat down beside me and we started to eat and chat. After eating and chatting, we went to the livingroom. I was about to sit down when Jungkook held my wrist.

Jungkook: "I am about to ask you something"

Me: "Ok?"

He pulled me closer to him and he looked nervous. He held my hands and looked into my eyes.

Jungkook: "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I was so shocked and I started to feel tears in my eyes. So he has the same feelings, he loves me. I smiled.

Me: "Yes Kookie!!"

Without hesitation, he kissed me deeply. I kissed him back. He put his hands on my small waist and pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck so the kiss could deepen.

He broke the kiss and had our foreheads together, panting.

Jungkook: "I love you"

Me: "I love you, too"

I have been wanting to tell him that for a little bit.

Me: "Do you want to watch some movies?"

Jungkook: "Yes baby"

We sat on the couch and put on a movie. I layed my head on his lap whike he started to play with my hair.

Jungkook: "Even though that I'm married, I still love you"

I smiled at him and focused on the movie. Without me knowing, I fell asleep.

Next morning

I woke up in my bed. I thought I fell asleep in the couch, on Jungkook's big thunder thighs. What?!?! Who doesn't like those?

Anyways,I looked to my side and saw an empty bed. I sighed and went to the bathroom so I could do my morning routine.

After my morning routine" I got into this,

After my morning routine" I got into this,

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I went to the kitchen. I was about to get my frosted flakes when I was a note on the refrigerator.

My bae,
I am sorry that I left without telling you. I had to go home because Yeri would complain to my parents that I don't interact with her enough. I honestly think that thats bullshit but I am sorry kitten.

Please text me when you read this. Also get into something nice because I am taking you out tonight. Be ready at 7 p.m. Love ya!!

-Your daddy ;*

Wtf? This boy is always horny ir kinky. Ugh.

I decided to get out of the apartment and go to a cafe.

I ordered the usual and waited for my order.

I finished and went back to the apartment. I have to pick out an outfit for work tommarrow.

I picked out the outfit and layed on my bed. I decided to call Jisoo unnie.

After a bit, she didn't pick up. I guess she is mad at me.

I decided to call Rose.

Rose: "Hello?"

Me: "Hey unnie!! How are you?"

Rose: "Good actually, me and Jimin are on goid terms now"

Me: "! You two were kinda annoying when you were bickering. But it was also cute"

Rose: "Ok? Well how are you my side hoe"

Me: "Bad now! Side hoe?!? Who is your number 1 hoe?!?!"

Rose: "It's a secret"

Me: "Bitch--"

Rose:  I am telling Eomma Jisoo this"

Me: "Nooooo!!!!! I am sorry unnie. So I have some news"

Rose: "Ok?"

Me: "I am dating Jungkook!"

I started to squeel but I didn't hear anything on her line.

Me: "Hello?"

Rose: "O-oh that's goos for you but not good for his reputation and buisness. I support your love but at the sametime I don't"

Me: "I-I get it unnie. Bye"

I hung up before she could say anything. She was right, it isn't good.

I decided to call Jennie unnie. She didn't pick up but then called back.

Jennie: "Ah sorry, I just got out of the shower"

Me: "It's ok. I just want to talk"

Jennie: "Oh!! So you know that Namjoon works in a high position in office?"

Me: "Well, yeah?"

Jennie: "Well he is decided to run for president!!"

Me: "OMG President Namjoon. That fits perfectly. And he is the perfect presedent type"

Jennie: "I know. The reasons why he makes a good President, are the same reasons why I fell for him"

Me: "Awww!! I-I have no words"

Jennie: "Oh well speaking of the god of destruction, I gotta go"

Me: "Ok"

Jennie: "Love ya!"

Me: "I love you too"

The call ended but I still felt bad in what Rose said. But I am going to put that in the back of mt head because we just now started to date.

I decided to go to my room and pick out some clothes for the event that Jungkook planned.

After picking out the outfit" I checked what time it was. 2:36 in the afternoon. I have enought time for a nap. I set up an alarm and went to sleep.

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