Chaprter 16

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Lisa's P.O.V.

It has been 2 weeks since I have moved. I havn't got any letters from that person and I am happy.

My job has been going... Ok. People started to be all bitchy and stuff and my boss is so close to fire me. I am actually glad.

Jungkook said that Yeri is visiting her family out of town so she is going to be gone for 2 weeks or so. Jungkook made an exuse that he was behind on work but he is actually ahead.

I was just laying on the couch, watching youtube. I was watching Ariana Grande funny moments and she is really funny.

I heard my front door open and I know it is Jungkook. I gave him a copy of the key because I know how he is.

He came in and flopped on the couch

Me: "Wow you did this to my couch!! My poor couch" I pout.

Jungkook: "Oohh baby it's ok"

Me: "*Sigh* Whatever"

Jumgkook: "Oh!! Baby~ my punishment is over"

Me: "Ughh I forgot about that"

Jungkook: "Do you---"

Me: "Not now"

Jungkook: "Ok whatever. Anyways I am soooo happy that she is gone for 2 weeks!! We finally get sometime for eachother"

Me: "But... Why me? Why did you fall for me? Arn't you supposed to love your wife?"

Jungkook: "Well I don't love her. She isn't my soulmate"

I gave him a blank face and sighed.

Me: "But--" He kissed me.

I kissed him back until he broke the kiss.

Jungkook: "You worry too much"

Me: "I know. I just noticed, I used to be a badass but now, I am like a little softy to you"

Jungkook: "And to the others?"

Me: "I don't know, I haven't been out in a while"

Jungkook: "Ok then, lets go to the mall"

Me: "But what if people recognise you?"

Jungkook: "We can come up with a lame excuse"

Me: "Like?"

Jungkook: "You are my cousin"

Me: "We don't--- never mind. Let me get ready"

Jungkook: "Don't take too long"

Me: "I won't"

I went to our bedroom. Me and him share the room when he is here. But I already showered not too long ago so all I need to do is to look for clothes.

After a while, I got into this,

After a while, I got into this,

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