Chapter 31

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Question at the end under a/n
Lisa's P.O.V.

Me: "Yeri" I mummbled.

Jisoo: "You have no right of showing that!!"

Jennie: "That is my personal buisness that nobody else need to know except the people I would die for"

Interviewer: "Sorry for that but it is actually the person that recorded it. They posted it on social media"

I am going to kill her one day.

Interviewer: "Ok next question, Jisoo. The fans want to know are you the kind of person that would wait for a while for their marriage or would you just rush into it"

Jisoo: "I don't really k ow actually. It depends on what is going on in life like a relitaves passing or a tour"

Interviwer: "Ok so we want to know how was your life before becoming famous"

Rose: "It was nice. We were already stable but this was our dream since highschool"

Interviewer: "You girls knew eachother before becoming trainees?"

Me: "We were not really tainees because my mother already knew that we had the ability to be idols. We would always come to my house and write and dance to the songs"

Jisoo: "And Stay was the song we wrote all together"

Interviewer: "So let me get this straight, your mother is the CEO of L.LM Entertainment?"

Me: "Yes"

Interviwer: "And I have heard that you are a dancer in Lili films. When are you going to realese your first video"

Me: "It actually hasn't came up yet"

Interviwer: "Oh well that is ok. So Rose, some say that you are dating the famous ballet dancer Park Jimin. Is that true?"

Rose: "Yes and I love him so much"

Interviewer: "Cute. Well Jennie, the last interview you girls had, you daid that you were dating Kim Namjoon, am I correct?"

Jennie: "Yes but why are you bringing up our love lives?"

Interviewer: "Well what else is there to talk about?"

Me: "Yes! Something related to our careers"

Interviewer: "Ok so since you have always wanted this group, have you writen more songs?"

Rose: "Yes actaully"

Interviwer: "Then why don't you just release them all?"

Jisoo: "We wrote those songs in high school and we might as well edut them"

Jennie: "Plus we would have to release a lot if dance practices"

Interviwer: "Ok. So the fans wants to know, who can learn the choreography the fastest?"

Jisoo, Jennie& Rose: "Lisa"

Time skip

We were back at the company and I saw Jungkook talking to my mother. I was curious and went to their direction.

Me: "Hey mom!!"

Mom: "Hi Lisa! So how was the interview?"

Me: "You didn't watch it?"

Mom: "I was in a meeting"

Me: "Oh, well it was ok I guess?"

Mom: "It wasn't good was it?"

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