Chapter 25

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Lisa's P.O.V.

Me and my mom spent the rest of the day together talking and stuff.

Mom: "So do you want to meet your dad and half sister?"

Me: "Half sister?"

Mom: "Yeah. He said that he wanted to meet you. Plus he said that he didn't know that I was pregnant because I had to go to Thailand again"

Me: "Oh.. Well what is his sir name?"

Mom: "Lee"

Me: "Ah ok. Oh! When are we going to see him?"

Mom: "Uhhh in 2 days"

Me: "Ok"

I am excited to finally meet my father. Who wouldn't. Some people might be upset but he didn't know that mom was pregnant.

Jieun's P.O.V.

Father has called me to meet him at his and moms place. He said that he had to tell us something important.

I arrived at my parents house and knocked on the door. Soon the door opened.

Dad: "Come on in sweety"

I walked in the house and sat on the couch beside mom.

Mom: "So what is it honey?"

Dad: "U-uhhh well remember when I cheated on you that one time?"

Mom: "Yes?"

Dad: "Well she was a mistress and she had a child of mine"

Mom: "What!?!?!?"

Dad: "And she--"

Mom: "You had another daughter?!"

Dad: "Yes and she is meeting us in 2 days"

Me: "Well I am happy that I have a sister. Why couldn't I meet her earlier?"

Dad: "Her mom had to go back to Thailand"

Mom: "Y-you are happy that you have a half sister?!"

Me: "Well-- yeah! I could have played with her hair, play dress up together and talk about boys in our teen years"

Mom: "Oh. Well I am a little upset Frank(Dad's name)"

Dad: "It is ok Bethany(Mom's Name)"

Me: "Well I got to go to work. Love you guys"

Mom&Dad: "We love you too"

Lisa's P.O.V.

I left the company and went home. It was around 3 in the afternoon and I decided to go threw my clothes to see if they all fit or not.

Time skip

I was done sorting out my clothes and putting them away. I looked at the time on my phone and it was past 6 in the afternoon.

I went to the kitchen and decided to make Guay Teow, one of my favorite Thai meals.

I accedentally made too much but decided to have that for some leftovers. I was eating my dinner when I heard my door open and closing.

Me: "Girls?!! Mom?!?!"

???: "No"

Me: "Jungkook?"

Jungkook: "Yes?"

Me: "Why are you here? Go to your wife"

I am so close to break down. I know that he isn't the father but he didn't have to leave me as soon as he found out. She is like 3 or 4 months pregnant. They might have time left.

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