Chapter Seven

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I'd love to dedicate this chapter to one of the best friends/poets I've ever had/known. It's none other than— drumroll please— moonlit_secrets!
She's super close to my heart, and I feel that she deserves all the love she can get, so I encourage you to oblige. ❤️

Ok, now on with the chapter...


Now, don't go thinking that we enjoyed going grocery shopping. The only thing that we were interested in, was the ice cream.. Oh, the ice cream!

The supermarket we usually went to had an ice cream parlour, which not many people visited, barring us. We absolutely loved it! We had no idea why people were oblivious about its obvious awesomeness. We discovered it one day when we were much younger, and out here grocery shopping like today.

I loved their sorbets, especially their raspberry sorbet. It was simply divine! It wasn't too sour, and had those raspberry seeds as a crunch factor. So I ordered it, per usual, and grinned as I began to wolf it down. I had become immune to brain freeze, though I'm sure that was not a very good sign. The others made their orders, Cal being the gentleman and paying. Pam got cookies and cream, and Cal got lemon (yes, he knows it's weird). We sat down and finished our ice creams in silence. I savoured the flavour till my tongue almost froze.

"Okay, so we should probably go and help Mom take care of Candy while she shops." I said.

"Yeah. Let's head back." Pam agreed.

So we set off on our way into the supermarket to help Mom. We entered through the doors, and immediately got lost in the crowd. Shoppers everywhere were trying to get to their goods first, resulting in chaos. We tried to reach the cleaning isle, where I knew Mom would be, but we were blocked by the stampede of people.

Suddenly, I bumped into someone behind me. I stumbled a little, tripped over something, and fell down onto my knees. I cried out in alarm and startled Cal, who looked around for what happened to me. He offered me his hand, which I took gratefully. I stood up slowly; shivering slightly, and my skin crawling with goosebumps.

I couldn't help but think in panic about my nighttime vision. This seemed impossible. But when I reluctantly looked down to see what I had tripped over, it was just a rock. A small sigh escaped my lips. The situation wasn't that bizarre. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but have a knot of fear and doubt twist inside my stomach. It couldn't have been a complete coincidence..

• • •

How could I explain this to my friends? I tried, but they just said that it must be deja-vu. But I knew for sure that I really had seen this in a dream. I just couldn't understand how. It seemed clear, too — not even blurry or incomplete.

I was internally freaking out. I had no idea what was going on with me.. Was I seeing the future somehow? What could possibly be the answer? And on top of all that... Grandma. My mind kept coming back to her. Once again, like I had unknowingly been doing for the past week, I found myself trying to block out all that pain. I didn't want to deal with it forever. But my heart just didn't seem to cooperate this time. I felt disoriented, and the memories of her were just making it worse.

It wasn't just the grief, though— it was obviously also the things she had told me. Seriously, what was going on?! Was this actually possible? I didn't want to believe it, but my mind stubbornly kept coming back to the same thing.

I was completely lost in my thoughts while we walked all the way to Mom and Candy. When we met up, I told her about everything. She seemed baffled, and a little bit concerned, but definitely not thinking this was possible. I was pretty disappointed; quite a bit unnerved, but definitely not surprised. How could I expect anyone to believe me? Even I was in need of a little convincing, to be honest. I was torn between my mind and my heart. I just wanted to dump out the memories of the last hour from my head, not wanting to get lost in this impossible mess. But I absolutely couldn't shake the creepy feeling.

"I wouldn't worry too much. There must be some kind of logical explanation. It's not that big of a deal, okay honey? Don't tire yourself out." she tried to console me warily.

"Okay Mom. But I'm still completely weirded out."

"Willow, I'm pretty sure what you're talking about is ridiculous. So please calm down. You're completely fine." Cal agreed.

"Alright, alright.. Here, Candy. Let's go for a walk outside..." I took the reigns and let Candy pull me out of the supermarket, with Pam and Cal in pursuit. We walked for a couple of minutes to get away from the crowded areas and onto the shady sidewalk lined with trees.

"Are you sure you're alright Willow? Cause you seemed pretty shaken up back there." asked Pam

"Yes, yes. I'm okay." I lied. "I don't know why I thought what I did." I shook my head, and sighed. "Whatever. It must be deja-vu like you said."

Candy became a little restless, probably picking up on my mental turmoil. We had to take him back to Mom so she could control him better. So we headed back to the supermarket after a while of walking. Mom joined us, we helped with the bags, and we all walked back to our respective houses.

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