A/N— So sorry for updating after so much delay.. I've been caught up with a lot of stuff lately, and it's been hard keeping up with this. Thanks so much if you're here anyways <3
I rang the doorbell, and Mom opened the door. I entered and took off my shoes. As I was about to head upstairs, Mom smirked at me. I looked at her and said "What?"
"Nothing, just that you're blushing a bit." She said.
"I'm not!" I blushed even more.
"Uh-huh." she smirked even more, and crossed her hands.
I rolled my eyes, "Fine. I just met Simon."
"I knew it. How was it?" her eyes sparkled.
"Pathetic. My brain un-evolves a couple million years every time I interact with him." I said with a sigh.
"Oh. Well, don't worry about it too much. You'll get there one day. You've got your whole life ahead of you."
"Yeah, well.. he's not gonna stick around for all of it." I sulked up to my room.
I climbed onto my bed, and went on my phone for a while. I wanted to calm down a bit. After a little relaxing, I heard the distinct click-clacking of a certain dog's clawed feet coming up the stairs. Sure enough, a few seconds later, Candy emerged through the door.
"Hey, boy." I said with a grin.
He almost galloped from the door to my bed and hopped onto it. I cuddled him and scratched behind his ears. He lay his adorable head on my lap. I sighed. I curled up beside him and stroked his head affectionately. He drooled all over me, but I didn't mind.
I heard my Mom call me for dinner, so I headed downstairs, Candy at my heels. He went over to his doggy bowl, while I sat at the table. It was delicious. Mom had prepared baked beans and toast, one of her specialties. We didn't talk much. I was slowly beginning to slip back into the rabbit hole of the dream. I tried to clear my mind, but I couldn't think about anything else. After eating my fill, I headed upstairs again and got ready for bed. After I was done I sat down on my bed to think.
I took the Key in my hand and looked at it. I studied it in the light of my night lamp. It seemed to glint in a mystical way. I sighed. I decided to take it off for the night, to see what happens. I placed it on my bedside table in my jewellery tray. I lay down and thought for a long time. Then I finally fell asleep.
Alas, I still had a dream, again. Although it felt different than the last one I had. But it still shook me.
I was standing in the garden, when someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turned, and it was Grandma. She said "Dearest Willy, know that I love you."
I stared at her. I thought I was over her death, that I was strong. But I surprised myself, as tears ran down my eyes, and I sobbed, "I love you too Grandma.. And I miss you." I hadn't realised how much I missed her until then. But I couldn't hold back my tears.
"You must listen.." she said.
"Wha-? Listen to what?"
"You must follow.."
"What are you saying??" I cried.
"Follow you dreams."
"Huh??" I couldn't believe she was saying something so cliche. But knowing Grandma it probably meant something more. She started to get blurry and distant. I felt her hand turn to vapour, and she began to disappear.
"No! Don't leave me! Not again!" I startled myself with those words. I reached for her frantically, not wanting her to go. But Grandma didn't stop. She was gone, just like that. I panicked and ran around the garden, feeling as if the world was spinning. I stumbled through the bushes, until suddenly Grandma was in front of me again. I stopped abruptly, staring into her heart shaped face. She looked beautiful in the misty air of her garden. She said with a loving smile, "Willow.."
"Yes Grandma?"
"Listen to me," she took my hands, and her gaze turned urgent and serious. "Listen to them. Follow them. You will find.." but she never finished her sentence. She vapourised into the mist again, and I couldn't do much more that sob. I didn't know what I'd find, and I wanted to know, but I couldn't. I couldn't bring her back.

Beautiful Dreamer (hiatus)
PertualanganWillow, a normal girl who lives a normal life, is suddenly sucked into a legacy she must continue, with mysterious powers that she must learn to control. Can she use them to save her loved ones? ...