Chapter 5

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I'm backkk guysssss!
Missed you all sooo much!
How is everyone? What have you guys been up to?

Can you guys suggest me really good books to read! I'm out of books 'cries'




I woke up early in the morning and found that Kainaat has already left the room. I got off the bed and headed to take a shower. I came out and started to put on my clothes when my mind drifted back to everything that's happening these days.

Everything started with my younger brother, Aahil Ahmad! He was the only thing I had in this entire world. My parents had a major accident when I was younger and that was when I lost them. My brother was only two years old at that time and I had promised my mother I would take care of him and fulfill all of his wishes.

But I failed as a brother!

Aahil, fell in love with a girl. The girl rejected him and that made my brother's life a living hell. He turned mad and now my brother doesn't even recognize me. All he chants is that idiotic girls name.

For three years my brother is in the mental asylum. I'm trying my best to get all the doctors to get him better. But all they say is we are trying our best.

Bastard doctors!

Well no, they are trying.

I promised to make that's girls life a living hell. And guess what!

I'm married to that girl!


The girl that led my brother to where he is today! The girl that rejected my brother! The girl that is the cause to my brother's miseries.

I hate this woman so much!

I married her thinking I could torture her! But no! This girl bore all the pain without an uff!

I did every single think to bring her down! But no she accepted everything that came into her way. She even respected and saved my respect infront of her parents.

If it was someone else I'm sure they would have spilt out everything and tried to get out.

This girl is so different!

And the cherry on the cake was that kiss! I was not drunk! I just wanted to see what she would do and once I saw her lips I couldn't resist. I knew by doing that I would cheat on my brother but I didn't have any self control.

I'm not regretting the kiss. I just feel extremely sick of cheating on the girl that my brother loved.

She is so simple and modest. Her eyes tell me a lot and I feel she has gone through a lot. But my brothers love is stopping me from feeling any emotion towards her.

I may be the one of the top business men in the world but that does not mean I forget my character and rules. My mother had taught me very well how to behave with women. But what happened to my brother made me blind in revenge.

Those light brown eyes had captured me the first day I saw her. She doesn't look like a girl that would torture someone. But I'm sure she's the girl that made my brothers life like this.

I never raised my hand on any woman in my life. The first time I hit her I couldn't stand in the house. I felt so disgusted of myself. I had to hit myself to get rid of the guilt of hurting her.

My hands tremble, but I need to show her, her right place.

I'm just a fucked up man at this point!

Mum would never forgive me if she saw what I'm doing. That's why I had told her she can eat after I leave. I tried to be a littler softer but I despised her face. It reminds me of the difficulties my brother is going through.

I'm just tired of all of this shit!

I'll confront her and ask her why she did what she did. But first I need my brother to be back the way he was. I need him to be the same bubbly and charming man.

I fixed my hair and then took my eyes and headed out. I spotted Kainaat serving my breakfast. For some reason she looked as red as a tomato.

I tried to ignore her and put a hard face. The doctors had called me urgently yesterday and said I had to come in the morning early.

I sat down to have my breakfast and she stood behind me with the black belt in her hand. I feel so guilty and disgusted of myself.

I ate my breakfast in silence and she stayed silently behind me. Her food always tastes damn good!

It reminds me of my mother's food.

But I wouldn't praise her!

After finishing up my breakfast, I headed out. I got into my car and quickly drove to the hospital.

"Good morning Mr Ahmad!" Dr. Narang greeted. I nodded my head and settled down in his cabin.

"Mr Ahmad! There is good news as well as bad news" he started and I just stared at him.

"The good news is that your brother is absolutely fine but, whenever he sees that girl he would loose his mind and you know of his anger issues" The Dr continued and I was shocked.

But Kainaat lives with us?

"Can I see my brother?" I asked and he nodded his head positively. I waited so long to see him. Three years! I wasn't going to waste my time on stupid thoughts.

I followed his lead and stopped when I saw my brother showing his million dollar smile. He immediately ran to me and hugged me tightly. I felt I got my heartbeats back.

I hugged him tightly and we both cried our hearts out.

"I missed you bhai!" Aahil said and I wiped away his tears.

"I missed you more!" I said and he wiped my tears. I didn't want to stand in this place anymore.

After completing the formalities we headed out. I couldn't control my smile and also let his hand go. We talked and talked and talked until we reached home.

I didn't want him to meet Kainaat. But my overly excited brother headed into the house first.

I ran behind him. As I entered, I saw him frozen on his spot.

I wasn't ready for this......



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Have a good day beautiful people! Stay safe, take care and keep smiling!!

Love you guysss!!!!

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