Chapter 20

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Yeaaaayyyy! The 20th chapter ALREADYYY!!!!🤗🤗🤗


Today is a very stressful day at the café. We have so many orders and so many people. And of all the days my children wanted to come to the café today.

"Simran! Did you take order 1022?" I asked the worker who works with us from day 1.

"Yes Naat!" She replied and I was shook!


Only one person is allowed to call me Naat. And I have not seen that person in five years.

"You can call me anything but Naat!" I replied politely and she smiled and nodded her head.

My head is going to burst with the amount of overthinking I do.

"Where is Seher?" I asked one of the workers in the kitchen. They replied I don't know so I assumed she was in the play room with Aliza and Ahsan.

Yes! When we built this cafe, I knew I had to have a play room so I can look after my children whilst working. I can't leave them alone with anyone.

I came to the play room and spotted Seher talking on the phone.

Ya Khuda! This woman and her Prince Charming.

I grabbed the phone from her hand and she looked at me shook. "Hey Mr Seher's Prince Charming! Kindly allow Seher to work today as its a very busy day and I need my friend. Thank you very much! Bye!" I said and cut the call.

I didn't even wait for the person to reply to me. I looked up to find Seher glaring at me angrily.

"Work!" I said and she sulked.

"Don't even let me talk to my man!" I heard her mumble and I chuckled. She's one whole package! I wonder how her PC (Prince Charming) handles her.

After a tire filled day, we were finally cleaning up the kitchen ready to go home. The kids had already fallen asleep, so I sent them home with Seher as she was also very tired.

"Samantha, Simran, Nick, Josh, you guys can go, it's already so late. Thank you so much for the help today" I told our workers and they smiled wishing me a good night and then they left.

I was about to lock the restaurant, when a man in a black hoodie came to me. He was tall and muscular. I really couldn't see his face due to the lack of light.

"I'm sorry sir, but we are closed" I told the person and he stayed silent. After a good silence, he finally decided to speak.

"Ma'am! Just one coffee please" The person said and the voice sounded familiar. Chucking away all the thoughts, I went inside to make a coffee for the person.

After a few minutes, I came outside and found the man standing where he was. I handed the coffee to him and he took out his wallet.

"Don't worry about the money, Have a good day sir!" I said and locked the café. Once I was done with that, I headed home.

"SURPRISE!" I heard as I entered my home. I was indeed surprised to see my parents here.

"Ama! Abbah!" I said and went to hug them immediately. I was so happy to see them.

"Nanu! Nani!" I heard my children say and I turned around to find them standing with Seher. They ran and came and my parents engulfed both of them in a tight hug.

After a little while of chit chats, we all retired to bed. Indeed it was a long day.

"Arey! But you guys only came last night!" I complained to my parents as they were leaving today already.

"Your Abbah, has some important work to do and obviously he can't function without me" Ama said and we all laughed.

Bidding farewell to my parents, I came to check on my children.

"Mummy! When will Baba come to see us?" Aliza asked as I sat on the floor to play with them.

I had never lied to them about their father or his family. I showed them his picture and a picture of Aahil also.

"Baba is busy with work, he will come soon" I said lying to my children. I felt really bad to lie to them. He probably doesn't even know he has children who wait for him everyday.

He's probably enjoying his life with his New Wife, oblivious of the fact that he has a family.

But, We Don't Need Him!

I am happy without him. I can survive and am surviving with out him.

"Okay! Come on kids, you have to get ready for school" I told them and Ahsan got up and headed to bathe and change himself.

He always liked to do his work on his own, just like his dad.

On the other hand, Aliza would be more mischievous. She would throw so many tantrums, just to not go to school.

Drama Queen!

"Guyssssss!!!! Guesss whattttt!!!" We heard Seher's loud exicited voice. She came running into the room with a huge smile on her face.

"What happened?" I asked her and she placed her hand on her heart, I guess trying to calm her heartbeats.

"Seher's Price Charming is coming today!!!" She exclaimed loudly and I looked at her surprised.

"Really?" I asked her and she nodded her head positively.

"Oh wow! What a surprise! Finally we can get rid of Seher Khala" Aliza said and I glared at her.

"Oh Miss Get rid Of Khala! Who will give you more phone time if you get rid of me?" Seher questioned Aliza placing her hands on her hips.

She becomes a total kid with the children.

"Enough!" I said as Seher and Aliza were bickering with each other.

"Such a dadima!" Seher ended the fight with Aliza saying.

"Ok! Let me make something for you guys and you can get ready and spend time with him. Also you don't worry to come to the café today" I told Seher and she smiled at me.

"You always know what I want! I love you" She said and hugged me tightly. I also hugged her back smiling.

"But! You will come back early to see him!" She ordered and I chuckled nodding my head positively.

After making preparations for Seher and her Prince Charming, I dropped the kids to school and headed to the café.

It was going on to four in the evening when Seher told me he was here and she wanted me to be with them. She also said she and him had picked up the kids from school already.

Finishing up in the café and locking it, I drove home. Once I took my bag and phone from the car, I headed inside.

As I forgot my keys in the morning, I rang the bell and was more than shocked to see who was at the door.


Wohoooo!!! Any guesses who was at the door?

Sooooo? How was the chapter?

Would you guys like another update today? 😉 or should I make you guys wait till tomorrow?

Have a good day beautiful people, stay safe, take care and keep smiling!


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