Chapter 10

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Wwwwwoooowwwiiieeee! We have come to the 10th chapter of this book already!!!

Don't you guys deserve a long chapter?🤔 *laughs evilly*




"I forgive you" I mumbled in his chest and suddenly I felt him stiff!

He pulled away from me and looked at me as if he heard wrong. I smiled and held his face in my hands nodding my head positively!

Indeed I had forgiven him!

A million dollar smile formed on that die-for face and I was contented!

All I wanted in life was to see my close ones happy, always. Nothing more!

"You are not doing this under any pressure right?" He asked as if confused. I nodded my head and he hugged me tightly.

"You deserved it Mr Husband!" I said and he smirked! Oh how I wish to wipe that off of your handsome face.

Out of no where, I felt his lips touch mine and he took me into a mind blowing kiss. The kiss was soft, full of promises and held tight trust along with it.

Once we were out of breath he pressed his forehead against mine and we both smiled.

"This is the best day of my life moje làska" he said and I blushed hearing the last part.

Days passed into months. These were the best days of my life. Asad treated me as his Queen and never hurt me once. I was extremely happy at his tries for forgiveness.

I had told him several times I had forgiven him but all he would say in return was "I'm doing it for my Queen, you can sit back and Shut up"

We had gotten really comfortable with each other and I was enjoying this comfort. But somewhere or the other I still had this fear.

What if he returned?

What if he hurts Asad?

Many negative thoughts always ran in my brain but I tried my level best to ignore them.

"How rich are you?" I Asked him as we were sitting on the bed. He had brought me a simple but beautiful golden necklace.

And by looking at it I knew it worth millions.

"Enough to fulfill the needs of my wife" he said and I rolled my eyes.

As far as I knew, he owned several hotels and restaurants in almost every single possible country!

Can you imagine that?

He smiled and then went to attend his call.

"I do not want you to leave the house for a few days." Asad told me as I tied his tie for him.

I looked at him in confusion and raised my eyebrow asking why.

"I've been noticing a person roaming around our house these days and I do not want anyone to harm my wife" he said and I smiled hearing him say my wife.

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