CHAPTER 2: Life Pre-Hitler (1924-1933)

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In July 1924, I left secondary school at age 18. I had plenty of qualifications, and quit my job as a waiter. I found work as a typist on the Nobelweg for a typing company; they were a company who typed up letters and important memos for the civilians. My salary was low, and it wasn’t far from where I was living. I was working as a typist until 1927, when I resigned. I took another job as a mediator, but it only lasted one month. I don’t remember much about it.

In November of 1927, I decided that I would move out of my parents’ apartment and find my own place to live in. It was hard, but the battle went on. I became a bookkeeper for a textile company in central Amsterdam in Dec 1927, so was working for more money to help pay my own way. I was consistently looking, keeping myself to myself. The business premises were at Achtergracht (Achter Canal) 231, in central Amsterdam.

While I was working there, I rented a room at 82 Rijnstraat. I began a social life, going to a local dance club where I learned to do the Cha Cha dance. I noticed my colleague Miep Santrouschitz was at the local theatre, The Tip Top, where I danced. We used to dance together, I found it very enchanting. She was a nice, young girl who looked very innocent.

As 1928 came and went, I was ensuring I went to the local dance club on the Trompenburgstraat every week. It was vital to improve my dancing skills. I remember replacing my bicycle for a newly manufactured one, and I paid 5 guilders for it. That was expensive for a bicycle in those days. In April, the business director Mr Wilk resigned from his directorship of the company, and a new gentleman took over who we all never liked. He was a stuck up, bossy manager. In May, I remember taking my first vacation alone to The Hague for two days. It was quite fun, and I still have photos of it. I was 22 years old, and just had my first vacation.

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