CHAPTER 3: Life Pre-WWII (1933-1939)

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On 30 January 1933, Queen Wilhelmina announced on the TV from the Dam Square in Amsterdam that Adolf Hitler had been appointed Chancellor of Germany. She also notified that us Jews would be moving to Holland to seek refuge from being murdered. It was an absolute disaster; Hitler had conquered his nation but what about ours? Were we staying neutral? Anyway, I went to work as usual.

February, March, April, May and June 1933 passed. All of us employees were in anguish of what would happen to Holland, we wondered if the Queen would not let any Jews into this country. The housing was already becoming restricted, why put more pressure on it? We went to work, then went back home. It was just the day-to-day routine.

On July 6, 1933, all the employees received notice that the company is going bankrupt and therefore we will no longer be required to work. It really was the end of the world for me, where would I go now? I noticed more Jews were moving into Amsterdam; therefore I had to get a job before my only opportunities were filled by Jews. We left ten days later, July 16.

I remained unemployed (jobless) until January of 1934, when I was accepted for a job as a social worker for Amsterdam’s Social Services. My salary was good, because I was in a good position. It really was tough for me to find a new job, but I did and I continued my social dancing life. It was really fun dancing, and so was my new job as the Social Worker. 1934 was a good year, dancing and working.

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