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"Welcome to the team, Agent" was the first set of words that you can completely remember Agent Hotchner saying to you.

You had knocked on the door with the golden name plate just an hour earlier. It read Aaron Hotchner so you were certain you were in the right place. You stood up tall one last time, wiped the sweat off your palms, and raised your fist to knock on the door.

It was a simple action but it was something you had been waiting to do for years. You had always wanted to be in the FBI. You were hoping with your higher IQ you would have a spot by 23, but now you were 29, but you had finally been signed on to the Behavioral Analysis Unit. It took years to get a position but as the new Media Liasion, you knew you had finally found your spot.

As soon as you knocked, you heard a voice from inside ring out, "come in."

You turned the door knob and pushed the door open, you could feel the sweat you left on the knob as your hands became clammy again.

"Uh, hello, my name is Y/N Y/L/N. I'm supposed to be meetin-"

"Yes, of course. I'm Aaron Hotchner, the unit chief for the BAU," he cut you off as he rose from his chair. He could sense how nervous you were and decided to not reach for a hand shake, rather he motioned you towards the chair in front of his desk. "Take a seat, please, and you can shut the door. I will give you an explanation of where you will fit in on this team."

That was the last sentence you completely remember until he ended the conversation with a, "Welcome to the team, Agent."

He opted for a handshake this time, hoping the time you'd spent sitting you would've calmed you.

And he was right, listening to him explain your spot on the team calmed you. You could tell you would fit right in at the BAU and you were excited to meet the people you would soon call family. 

You shook his hand with a smile, finalizing your place on the team. He lightly smirked back at you, the most emotion you had got from him since you knocked on the door.

"Well, you should meet the team," he said as he lead you out his door. He walked you towards a room with a huge circle table with no people in there. You'd think he would take you to the people but rather he brought the people to you.

He had you stand at the front of the table beside him as the people filed in. You watched 3 men and 2 woman all enter the room. They all entered together with smiles on their faces sharing a laugh. Listening to it brought back the fear that you wouldn't be accepted into the family, you just hoped soon you would be laughing with them.

The only person who stopped laughing as they entered the room was a messy haired brunette with eyes of honey to match. He stood taller then you, you guessed 6', but it was the way he looked at you that made you think he was different. As soon as his eyes met you, he focused only on you, blocking out the sounds around him. It took you a minute to realize he was staring. When you looked up from your feet, you stopped rocking from toe to heel. You met his hazel eyes with a soft smile, the nervousness snaking back up your spine. He copied your soft smile.

Your gaze broke when Hotch spoke, "I'm here to introduce the newest member of our team." You stood up a little taller and looked around with a smile, quickly passing over the tall lanky brunette who was trying to get in his seat before Hotch said anything more.

"This is Agent Y/N Y/L/N. She will be taking over as the Media Liaison. We had been looking since JJ announced her full return as a profiler, and we just now found the perfect fit."

Your eyes wandered around the room, everyone was intently staring at Hotch except for the friendly blonde who was smiling at you but looking away every time the name JJ was brought up. You assumed it was probably her. She met your eyes and made sure to smile in a way that made you feel safe. You could tell she was a mama bear, just by her eyes, and you could tell this family was what she protected.

You looked the rest of the way around the room and ended on the same goof who fumbled into his seat minutes earlier. You tried to not meet his eyes and rather continue around the room, but you could feel his eyes moving from your feet the whole way back up. He was memorizing every inch of you.

Hotch continued, "I think she will settle in well. Actually Reid," his brunette hair flopped as he broke his glance from you to Hotch. Reid? So that was his name. It fit quiet well actually. 

Hotch continued, "I think shes gonna give you a run for your money. She's got an IQ of 172."

Does that mean his is higher? You smirked, in confusion but also curiosity. You raised your eyebrow as you looked from Hotch's smirk to the smirk on the face of the man you now know as Reid.

"187," the smirk grew on his face. "The eidetic memory helps," he said as his eyes took one last up and down glance at you. Of course he had an eidetic memory, that's why he had been staring, to remember your every curve. Your every beauty mark. Your every action. 

"Dr. Spencer Reid," he said when his eyes met your again. Oh god, of course he was a Doctor too. He smiled in place of the hand shake and you returned it with a nod.

"You know Boy Wonder, her IQ isn't far behind yours. Now we got a Girl Wonder too. You better stay on your toes or she might just make you look stupid." said the man sitting across from Reid with a chuckle. "Derek Morgan," said the man as he gave you a wave through his laughs. You couldn't help but focus on Spencer rolling his eyes across the table.

The dark haired woman on the other side of Morgan was trying to contain her laughs after watching Reid's reaction. "I'm- I'm Emily Prentiss," she fought out through laughs.

You couldn't help feeling your smile grow as the people around you all held back their laughs.

"I'm Jennifer Jereau but all my friends call me JJ," said the blonde. You guessed one right.

"David Rossi," said the older Italian man. He gave you a wave as he covered his mouth to shield his chuckles.

You looked back at Hotch as he turned around to scan the rest of the room, "Where's-"

"Hello my fine furry frie-" the bubbly blonde woman stopped in her tracks when she met your eyes. You felt her excitement boil as she started walking towards you.

"Oh my! You must be the newbie! Y/N Y/L/N! I'm Penelope Garica, the technical analysis. I already read through your record, oh that reminds me. Reid, did you know her IQ is almost higher then yours?" she said as she broke your hand shake to look at Spencer.

The whole team started chuckling again as they awaited Spencer's reactions.

"Yeah, someone mentioned that."

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