Capter 1: The Begining

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[Author: A little info before the story starts, you are the new transfer student in class 1-A coming from the business course. Your previous home room teacher suggested you for the empty seat in class 1-A, since your quirk was so powerful. Also your quirk is elemental, it's exactly how it sounds, you can control elements such as earth, fire, water, and air, just to name a few. In other words, you are ridiculously powerful. Although, controlling multiple at the same time or controlling one for a long time will physically make you weaker and spit up blood, I know gross, but with great power comes great pain. (I won't quote Spider-Man) anyways that's all you need to know, enjoy!]

[Side note, I just realized I basically turned you into the Avatar... oh well.]

(Y/n's POV)

Today's my first day in class 1-A, I don't know if I should be excited, nervous, scarred, or what. One thing is for sure, nothing will be the same once I walk through 1-A's doors...Speaking of which, where is it. The bell already rang cause my alarm clock just HAD to break on the first day, so no one could help me cause they were in class. I was distracted by my thoughts and looked at the floor for a brief moment.

"Why aren't you in class?"

I look up to find Class 1-A's teacher, Mr. Aizawa standing in front of me.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm looking for class 1-A!" I was somewhat shocked because I knew he was a teacher, so why wasn't he in class?

"Oh you must be the new transfer student" he says with a monotone voice.

"Y-yep, that's me."

"We'll then just to let you know, you missed it." he says while pointing behind me.

"R-REALY!?!" I turned around and there it was, the probably 20 foot doors of Class 1-A, '(Y/n), you would have searched the whole school if it wasn't for the run in with Aizawa,' I scolded myself, felling a little disappointed in myself. "Uhh, thank you for pointing that out."

I walked with Aizawa standing outside waiting for my cue to walk in the room.

"Good morning class, today we have a new transfer student joining us from the business course, you can come in."

I open the door then close it before walking up to the front of the class. Not gonna lie, I felt so uncomfortable with everyone's eyes on me. But I guess it's gonna have to become the norm since this is the hero course.

"H-hello my name is (L/n) (Y/n) I'm 15 years old and my quirk is elemental." I mentally face palmed for stuttering and just wanted to hide in my non existent hoodie. Before I could go to your seat a kid with red hair and sharp teeth raises his had.

"Yes Kirishima, do you have a question?" Aizawa asked.

"What does your quirk do?" The boy I now know as Kirishima asked. His tone somewhat calmed me, well enough to where I didn't stutter.

"Oh, well, with enough trining I can control any element I want, like water. Although controlling multiple or controlling one for a long time will heavily effect my energy." I couldn't tell them that I spit up blood when pushing my limit. No one else raised their hand to ask questions so I took that as my time to finaly escape to my seat, which was in the back by the window, next to a kid named Todoroki.

[Author: Sorry Momo, your seat is where Mineta used to be. Don't judge me, I don't have an ideas for Mineta in the story!]

Once class ended six people crowded around my seat, and boy did that kill my anxiety.

"Hi, my name is Eijiro Kirishima, and It's nice to meet you!" The red haired boy smiled.

"O-Oh yeah you were the one who asked me about my quirk earlier."

"Heh, yep that was me." He seemed surprised that I remembered him, even thought it was only like... about half an hour since then.

"Hi my name is Ochaco Uraraka!" A brunette introduced herself.

"I'm Mina Ashido!" A girl with light pink skin and almost black introduced excitedly.

"My name is Denki Kaminari!" The blonde boy who oddly looked like a human Pikachu introduced.

"And I'm Hanta Sero!" A black haired boy with weird elbows said while confidently pointing to himself.

"The angry one over there is Katsuki Bakugo!" Kirishima said with another sharp toothed smile.

"SHUT UP SHITY HAIR!!!" The blonde he pointed to yelled.

Everyone introduced themselves, they all had so much energy. I had no idea how I was going to fit in here. Although there was one person I was curious about. He sat next to me but was the last person to tell me their name. He was Todoroki, he seemed quiet, after seeing how well he fit in here, I felt more comfortable and reassured that I was gonna be just fine here. I can't wait to see how the year will turn out!

[Author: Also forgot to mention you transferred after the Stain attack, before the training camp. Hope you enjoy the series!]

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