Chapter 6: Quirk Training Camp, part 2

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(Y/n's) POV

For the first full day of camp, all of class 1-A was woken up early to get started on their training. Everyone was tired but thankfully you trusted your gut and went to sleep earlier. You were still tired, but not as much as everyone else. The class started by getting a small demonstration from Bakugo. He threw a ball trying to see how far it went. Apparently it was only a few meters above the Quirk Apprehension Test that they had on their first day.

"That improvement has mainly been at the mental and technical levels. With some increases in stamina. As you can see, your quirks themselves have not improved by much. That's why we will be working on improving your quirks starting today."

While every one found their stations to practice their quirk you where escorted to a different area. It was far enough to where you could only see the chaos of the other students quirks. Your area had every element you wanted like a lake, nice breeze, along with a patch of dirt. 'Wow, this area almost looks untouched. I guess since no one is here I can go all out with my training.' Normally you would limit your quirk power. That way you can stay away from questions on coughing up blood. Also you were worried you would hurt someone.

[Creator: The next scene may sound like a lot. But I mean, you did fight a pro hero, quirk to quirk, that was limited. Also you have been training everyday since then.]

(Kiri's POV)

I begun getting tired so I decided to go get some water. But the scenery felt different, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Uraraka was also getting water so I asked her if she felt the same.

"Hey Uraraka, does the scenery feel a bit different to you?"

"Now that you mention it. It feels like there are more mountains than when we got here. But that's impossible mountains can't form in an hour!"

"Hehe yeah." I look over to one of the mountains that was alone but something was off with it. 'Wait is that mountain, MOVING!?!' "Uhh, is that mountain over there moving?"

"Umm, I think it is. It's almost like it's growing?"

"It could be a villain attack, I'm gonna go see what's happening."

(Y/n's POV)


"That mountain took more energy to make than I expected." You picked up the blood you coughed up by controlling the water in it. Then put the blood into a hole in the ground that you dug.

[Creator : Dang, you broke the first rule of Minecraft. You dug strait down]

'I guess I should get rid of this mountain before I work on anything else.' You turn the mountain you created, back into the flat land that it was originally. You hear someone running in your direction. Suddenly Kirishima turns around the corner asking where the mountain went.

"(Y/n) I know this sounds crazy but have you seen a mountain around here lately?"


"There was a mountain around here somewhere and I thought it might have been a villain attack!"

"Oh, no that was me, sorry if I scared you. I limited my quirk in the past fights so you probably didn't think the mountain was from my quirk."

"Wait so that giant mountain was from you? How much power do you actually have?"

"Well I have quite a lot, although my body limits what I can use."

"Wait I think I told Uraraka that it could be a villain attack, I should get back and tell her it's a false alarm. Talk to you later!" He says while running back in the direction he came from.

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