Chapter 13: Don't Lose Control, part 1

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(Y/n's) POV

It has been almost a week since the others followed you to the arcade. Since then you have gotten a lot closer to the rest of your class. Especially closer to Todoroki, you felt like you could finally be comfortable around them. After class everyone was talking about going to karaoke. Since last time the plan kind of changed.

"So are you joining is for karaoke this time?" Kirishima said

"Of course!" You say excited to join them.


| Time Skip |

Back at the dorms you, Kirishima, Todoroki, Mina, and Bakugou we're running late. Everyone else was already heading towards the place you all agreed on. Mina couldn't find something to wear, so you and Todoroki were helping her. And Bakugo chose to wear a tie, but couldn't tie it, so Kirishima was helping him with that.

(Todo's POV)

Once everyone was ready to go we all started heading towards the location. on the way there we were all laughing at a joke Mina said. I noticed that (Y/n) was missing. 'Huh, where's (Y/n)? She was here just a moment ago.' We all heard a loud crash from an ally close by someone running away from the scene yelling.

"HELP there's a villain attack!!!"

All of us run into the scene you find (Y/n) sitting in the ally with two villains standing around her. The leader is yelling saying.

"We have a hostage if you try to hurt us before we get our demands we will kill her!"

'What do we do, (Y/n) is probably so scared right now.' I thought while trying to stay out of sight from the villains.

(Y/n's) POV

"Yo, I'm bored." You say to one of the villains.

"Ok well what do you want me to do about it?" One of them respond but didn't look at you. You didn't know which one it was cause they had masks on.

"Well if you guys didn't take my phone I would be scrolling through TicToc right now." You say with a strait face.

"A-are you serious right now?"

"*gasp* do you guys wanna play a game?" You say while sitting up. They thought you were going to do something so they had their guns pointed at you.

"Uhh?" They both look at each other for a moment. "What is it?" One of them asked.

"Ok hover your hands over mine." One of the villains kneel down and held his hand above yours. "Ok so now I will try to slap your hands, and you will try to pull away before I slap them. Sound easy enough right?"

"Uhh yeah."

"Ok..." you swiftly swing your hands above his and slap them. "Now you lost so it's your turn. Now try to slap my hand before I pull them away." He tried to slap your hands but failed to do so. Your reflexes were quick from all the gaming.

"Dang it."

"Heh, it's ok try again." He tried again but failed.

| With the others |

(Todo's POV)

We were coming up with a plan behind a dumpster that was in the ally. I look above it to check on (Y/n) and it looked like she was laughing an playing a game with the villains guarding her.

"Uhh guys..." I said while whispering. "I'm not sure how to feel about this?" I point towards the situation

"What are you talking abou-" Kirishima said, cutting off his own words when he saw it.

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