Chapter 9: The Ultimate Move

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(Y/n's) POV

You wake up and remember that you moved to the dorms. You were awake earlier than the others. After getting dressed and brushing your teeth. Other students started waking up. Today we were going to work on ultimate moves. You were able to wear your hero costumes and the department finally finished yours.

[Creator: By the way this is your costume.]

[Creator: This is the only art that's mine

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[Creator: This is the only art that's mine. Green is just my favorite color. You can make it your favorite color.]

"Wow (Y/n) your outfit is so cool!" Uraraka states.

"Oh thank you. I haven't thought of a design beforehand so I just threw some stuff together." You exit the changing room and on your way there you were startled by.

"I see your hero suit finally arrived."

You turn around and Todoroki was catching up to you. "Oh uhh yeah, it's better than I was expecting."

"You look nice." Todoroki whispers.

"What was that?"

"The wether's nice."

"Oh, yeah it is." You say with little suspicion to the last comment.

You make it to the building and begin thinking of ways to make an ultimate move. Once you got up to one of the taller pillars, you come up with an idea. Although you're gonna need Momo's help for the time being.

"Hey, Yayorozu!"

"Yeah what's up (Y/n)?"

"Can you make me a whip really quick?"

"Yeah sure." She says while making it.

"Cool! Just toss it up. I'll catch it."

She throws you the whip, but it didn't make it very far. You created a hand out the side of the pillar and catches it. Then the rock hand throws it again, hard enough for you to catch it. "Thank you!" You say and the hand sunk back into the pillar. 'Wait...shit, everyone at the All Might incident MUST have recognized the hand. I just blew my own cover! Wait I'll be more suspicious if I look around at their reactions, just continue like nothing happened.'

You continue with your plan and cover the whip in your fire. Later on you will make it out of rocks and oil. But for now you can focus on controlling the fire. No one asked you about it so you thought you were fine. Until back at the dorms. You were in your room and someone knocked on the door. It was Todoroki and he asked...

"Hey can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah sure. Come on in." You say while inviting him in. He sat down in the chair at your desk while you sat on your bed.

"In our last conversations we were constantly being interrupted. So I wanted to ask. Were you the cloaked figure I saw at the incident in Yokohama city?"

"No, I'm sorry I was buying groceries that night." You say while fiddling with your cloths.

"Then what is the coincidence that Bakugou was saved with a quirk, very similar to yours?"

"It's very possible, besides I just recently learned how to make a rock hand."

"Wait, I never said they were saved by a rock hand."

It was quiet for a second and you couldn't think of an excuse. 'Shit, shit, shit, shit!' "So what if I was there, and what if I was the person who created the rock hand?"

"I would say, thank you. Your quick thinking is what saved all of them in that moment."

"Well, I had to do something...I didn't do anything to save Bakugou in the first place."

"Understandable. Now I have one more question before I leave."

You look at him with interest then he continues.

"What was the dream you were having when you were sleep talking in the infirmary?"

Your face immediately tuned into a scared one. And you look to the floor before responding.

"It's...very personal. I don't like to talk about it." He didn't say anything until the silence was broken when he said.

"I got this scar from my reminded her of my father, and it scared her." You look at him with care and worry, then you look back at the ground.

"When I was little, around the age of five. I was having a sleepover with my best friend. His name was Kaito, he woke up in the middle of the night. And he wanted to play an innocent game of tag. We started playing in my back yard and...I didn't know how to control my quirk yet. He asked what it was, what it did, I showed him...I thought it was so cool to show off, until...I lost control. I hurt his leg, and he was trying to run away, screaming...stop... help... please don't hurt me. He took a direct hit to the head. My mom ran out the back door and was trying to help him. Once he got to the hospital, it took him a week to wake up. When he did, his mom asked him if he remembered what happened. He didn't remember anything...not even me. And I thought it was better that way. I never saw him again and cut ties with my other friends. Then we moved here. After we moved, I refused to make friends, and risk having that happen all over again." It was silent for a while until he got up and walked over to you. He sat down only a few inches away from you and gave you a hug. After that he said.

"Well now you can make new friends, starting with your class. If you do loose control again? We can take it, and we'll help you fight back."

"Thank you." You say while giving him a hug back. "Anyways you should probably get going before Mina gets suspicious and takes pictures."

"Yeah probably." He say while standing up "I'll talk to you again tomorrow."

"Ok! Wait before you go." He turns around to hear what you're saying. "Please don't tell anyone about what I just told you. I prefer to keep that a secret."

"Ok, I won't tell anyone."

"Thank you." You say before he exits the room. You then flatten yourself onto your bed and stair at the cabinets above. You felt all the nerves you originally had, leave your body. And you felt almost relieved to finally tell someone other than your family about the incident. After a while you walk downstairs to eat dinner. Everything was normal so you concluded that Todoroki kept his word.

                            | Time Skip |

After a few day you were able to master your ultimate move. You added a oil chamber to your right wristband. Then once you took dirt from the ground and formed it into a whip. You would then put the oil on the whip and light it on fire with the heat of something right out of a furnace. With it you can cut through practically any metal. Although, it takes a lot of strength so now you need to work on resistance.

(Aizawa's POV)

I asked All Might what happened in Yokohama city. Specifically, about the kids who were there. He said that there was something else, that a hand made out of rocks launched the escaping students even farther. After that I looked into nearby cameras, news footage, anything. When I found the footage the hand looked familiar. It reminded me of (Y/n's) quirk. 'I'll ask her about it after school'

                            | Time Skip |

Today's class was boring as usual, but I'm the teacher so I have to go. 'Oh yeah, I have to talk to (Y/n) now.' I walked over to (Y/n) and asked.

"(Y/n) can I have a word with you?" I said with a serous face.

[Creator: Muahahaha, cliffhanger. I love being evil. If you like this then please comment.]

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