Chapter 2: Rescue Training

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(Y/n POV)

Last night I was able to miraculously fix my alarm clock so today you was no chance of me being late. As I was getting my uniform on, I hear.


"YEAH I'M ON MY WAY GRANDPA!!!" That was my uncle, I called him grandpa because he has grey hair and one day we went golfing and someone asked me and my cousin how nice it was for my grandpa to take us golfing. It became our inside joke from then on. He calls me Einstein because he thinks I'm too smart for my own good, personally I beg to differ. I only live with my uncle and cousin because my mom died on a hero mission, my dad is perfectly fine, but he travels everywhere for his job. Obviously he couldn't bring me, because of my education.

"Morning what's for breakfast?" I asked while walking down the stairs.

"Eggs and toast, do you want any coffee while I'm making some?" He asked without drifting his sight away from the frying pan.

"No thank you, some orange juice sounds good right now." I responded while opening the fridge and taking out the orange juice carton.



"Yep, he's up, you can't just say you're gonna be late, he's gonna have a heart attack one day." Riku is the cousin I live with, he is obsessed with being a good student. Apparently he has a streak going and, Hell will freeze before he's late. His words not mine!


It sounds like it came from the top of the stairs. I thought while takin a sip of my drink. "I think he ran into the wall?"

"Nah I think he tripped...10 dollars that he tripped!" Gramps said while finally looking away from the eggs.

"You're on."

"WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARIER?!?" Riku came running form the stairs frantically putting his books in his bag.

"Don't worry your not late yet, so what was that loud slam earlier?" My uncle asked and grabbed the coffee he made.

"I, uhh" he drifted his sight towards the back door, embarrassed to admit it. "Ran into the wall."

"I was right, pay up old man." I open my hand expecting the money. Being a little upset he reaches into his pocket and slaps the money into my hand. I looked at it and immediately leaned over the kitchen counter.

"HEY, this is a five we bet ten!"

*sigh* "Can't get anything past you can I?"

He pulls out another five and puts it in my hand. "Good doing business with you."

While all of us ate breakfast I remembered that I haven't told them about the whole class transfer thing yet. 'I guess now would be the best time to tell them.' I thought to myself. It was quiet for a few minutes so it was great timing to break that silence.

Both my cousin and uncle were taking a sip of their dinks while I set mine down. "I'm gonna be a hero now." Suppressed by what they heard they spit their drinks into the others face. While I took another sip of mine.

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