Into The Lion's Den

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Aboard the crashed UNSC Roanoke

Izuku and Ruby both knew they had a magnum pressed to the back of their heads. Their shields flared, not letting the pistol get any closer to their helmets. The IFF tag was yellow, so they did know for certain if was a friendly.

"Your gonna tell me everything, now." Naomi said in a low and cold tine that would make almost anyone freeze.

"Can you give us a moment to explain and not point a gun at our heads. We're on the same team here." Ruby said, partially annoyed. Which was getting to be a major emotion for today.

They then both felt the pistols lift away from their heads slowly.

Naomi walked in front of them with her battle rifle at rest. But both know that she would raise it and fire on them in a moment.

"Your registered as friendlies. But that's about it. So I wanna know exact who you are and what your intentions are."

Izuku and Ruby, as well as every Spartan III had been informed on what to do if any other Spartan II was encountered.

"Admiral Sierra-009 told us to say Olly Olly Oxen Free of any Spartan II was encountered. He said that they'd know exactly what that is." Ruby said.

Almost invisible to anyone but a Spartan or a gem warrior was the subtle tension in 010.

She remained silent for a moment before she spoke again.

"So, how's 009 been these last 15 years?" She asked calmly as her rifle was set at rest.

The Spartan III's lowered their helmeted heads slightly. Everyone in the UNSC knew what happened to the Admiral. So everyone was supposed to keep a lookout for Peridot and the Emerald gem.

"He's MIA, we're currently looking for him. An enemy Gem took him hostage about 2 weeks ago." Izuku told her.

Naomi should've expected that to be fair. Of course it wouldn't be that easy to find her brother after a decade and a half. She remembered the day she was told that he along with the Marathon cruiser Arcturus vanished into an unstable Slipspace rupture.

"Alright, I'll trust you. But I want a full explanation from your captain. Medical attention for Sierra-141 and white leave for the soldiers and crew on this ship." Naomi said.

"Done." The two said in unison.

"Alright then, now that chit chat is over. What are we gonna do? The Roanoke ain't exactly getting up." Said the ODST they first talked to.

"Dutch, shut up and let em speak." Said a snarky ODST. She then turned to look at them. "But he's gotta point, what's the plan?"

"The UNSC Into the Howling Dark is currently descending to pick up everyone. Where the UNSC Jeager will assist it in hauling the Roanoke init orbit where it can move by itself." Said Izuku.

"Sounds like a plan. Thanks for the save. Me and the rest of my squad are the last ODST's here. I don't think we would've lasted much longer if you hadn't shown up with those things." Dutch said as he pointed to the two Spiders closing in.

"Damn, those are some fine pieces of hardware. Id go with you just to fire one." Said the female ODST.

"Megan, you'll never get to be even near one with your track record in vehicles." Dutch said with a chuckle.

"Fuck you Dutch." She insulted.

"Maybe later." He said with a chuckle. He quickly stopped after Megan punched him in the shoulder plate.

"Alright bitches, what did I miss?" Said the voice of Tucker as he appeared in a speed that only a Spartan or Gem could somewhat see.

"Can you all do that?" Asked Megan. Actually curious if Naomi had superpowers as well.

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