4th of July special

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(warning, non canon)

"You ready for tonight guys!" Steven shouted with excitement. He was so excited for the celebration that was so close at hand.

"Hell yeah!" Amythest shouted as she and Jorge walked with him outside.

"I think this is the first time I've seen a 4th celebration since the war. It'll be good to have some fun tonight." Jorge said with a smile. He was excited to use Etilkas twin.

As they walked outside they saw everyone getting the fireworks loaded. As well as setting up all the food and drinks that tonight needed.

Steven quickly jumped off the deck and ran over to John and Jasper. Both had large boxes of bottle rockets in their hands that they were hauling put to the dock.

"Hey, you guys seen Will and Peridot? I need them to help load the firecracker launchers. But I havent seen them anywhere." He asked the supersoldiers.

John thought for a second before he looked back to Steven.

"I havent seen them since lunch. I havent seen where Naomi went either. But if I had to guess the evil geniuses are off making a giant firework mech." John stated with amusement in his voice.

Jasper let out a cackle at that comment. She could imagine it now. A massive figure lumbering toward everyone. Before it launched thousands of fireworks out of it arms.

Steven just paled at that thought. He knew for absolute certainty that that was a possibility. He only hoped that they cut it back a little bit.

But he also knew that there was no chance of that happening.

"Thank you, I'll go ask Quasar then. He'll probably know where everyone is." Steven said as he walked away to let them continue what they were doing.

He spotted the tall robotic figure of Quasar tuning an electric guitar. It was bright blue and black with silver trimmings. All on a classic curved shape.

Steven bounded through the sands to get to the AI. But he bumped into Spinel on the way there. Steven nearly fell to the ground but she stretched her arms out to catch him. Pulling him around and onto his feet.

"Hiya Steven, where ya going!" She said with excitement. She retained some of her crazy appearance. Most notably the unkept pigtails and darker colors.

"Oh hey Spinel, I was just going to talk to Quasar. I was wondering where Naomi, Will and Peridot were. I need them to wire everything up."

Spinel jumped up and down with excitement. ",Oh, they asked Pearl to do that earlier. The arbiter helped her and it was done an hour ago. But as for those three I don't know where they are right now."

"Ok, thanks for the info Spinel." Steven said as he continued over to the AI.

Spinel waved as she bounced away like a spring.

"Well, at least all the wiring is done. And good to know Thel is coming to the party. The more the merrier." Steven said with a grin as he finally got to Quasar. The AI looking up from the guitar he was tuning.

"Oh, hey Steven. What do you need?" He asked.

"Well, have you seen Peridot, Will and Naomi around. I don't have any idea where they are right now." He explained to the AI.

"Oh god, their probably off making some ungodly creation. But I do know Will's supposed to play with me at the party. So you know where one of them supposed to be."

Steven folded his arms and thought for a second. That didn't give him much to go on.

"Oh, and th Pillar of Autumn was taken out of drydock by Cortana and Naomi this morning. I can only imagine what their using it for." Quasar said with a bit of fearas he returned it his guitar.

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