Best Friends

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The Dead Internet

Danny continued running through the desolate lower parts of the Internet, where the atmosphere was filled with dusty air and scattered concrete debris. Dirt covered every surface, creating a gritty and abandoned environment.

As Danny's feet pounded against the ground, clouds of dust billowed into the air. Despite the discomfort of the itching dust irritating his nose and stinging his eyes, he paid it no mind. His focus was consumed by the weight of his recent altercation with Mabel, leaving him in a state of emotional turmoil.

Shaken by their fight, memories flooded Danny's mind with overwhelming intensity. The hurtful words echoed in his head, each one piercing his heart. "Deceiver! You sold me out!" Her accusations resounded in his thoughts, reminding him of the day, so many ago, when he had shattered Mabel's heart by destroying her beloved cart.

Vividly, the scene played out in his mind. He clenched his heart, feeling the pain resurface through his hoodie. Mabel on her knees, a look of profound sadness etched on her face, tears streaming down her cheeks as she looked up at Danny. "You betrayed me! I thought you cared about me!" Her voice quivered with deep sorrow, her words cutting through his soul.

The floodgates of regret opened within Danny as he relived that heartbreaking moment. The realization of his actions weighed heavily on him, as he could now see the immense hurt he had caused Mabel.

Her words echoed in his mind once more, "I thought you were supposed to be a good guy!" Her sobs of sadness resounded, haunting him as he ran through the dusty and desolate landscape of the lower Internet.

Danny's mind was now consumed by the recent painful encounter with Mabel, her words reverberating in his ears. The memories of her anger and hurt were still fresh, intensifying his feelings of guilt and remorse.

"Why would I spend another second with you after what you did?!" Her voice echoed through his thoughts, each word laced with anguish. The memory of her throwing his necklace away added to the weight on his heart.

"Don't follow me! I made it pretty clear that you are the last person I want around me right now!" Her words echoed in his mind, a painful reminder of the rift between them.

"A friend would never do what you did! NEVER! So you leave me alone!" Her voice resounded with a mix of anger and disappointment, cutting through Danny's soul.

The necklace, the very reason why he had ventured into the lower parts of the Internet, now seemed insignificant compared to the shattered trust and broken bond between him and Mabel.

Danny found himself clutching his white and black hair, as if trying to physically block out the painful memories that threatened to overwhelm him. The weight of his past mistakes and complicated history burdened his thoughts.

Falling to his knees, Danny gripped his head tightly, his body enveloped in a cloud of swirling dust. Tears welled up in his eyes as he desperately tried to suppress the memories of a time before Mabel entered his life. The thought of revisiting that period terrified him. He pleaded with himself, begging his own mind not to unleash the flood of painful memories.

"No! Don't remember!" he pleaded, his voice filled with anguish and fear. He knew that the pain of recalling his past actions and the guilt he carried would only deepen if he allowed himself to be consumed by memories that were better left forgotten.

"I can't do it! I can't go back to being alone!" Danny practically cried, his voice trembling with desperation as he fought to block out the memories that threatened to resurface. The fear of facing his past and the pain it carried weighed heavily on his shoulders.

Danny's Channel Travel Adventures 2!: (Wreck it Ralph au)Where stories live. Discover now