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Note: Just at least read the parts in bold if you're gonna skip this

So... after telling myself that I wouldn't start this until after my other story was finished didn't keep me from doing it. Don't worry, to those reading my other story, I'm still putting almost all of my focus on that. This is like a side project. And to those who actually end up liking this story... updates will probably be inconsistent and slow. I mean, it's better than me not writing this at all...

I actually still haven't written out a complete story outline yet... yes, I wrote the following chapter on a whim without thinking about anything else. I have a lot of random parts of the story already planned out, including a few miscellaneous pieces of dialogue here and there (yes, I like to plan out specific scenes with dialogue before I've even decided what the story's about.)

Now going over a few things in the last note. Yes, this story is based off of the book version of the 100. I love the TV show, just as much if not more than the books. And while writing this story, I'll definitely miss Lexa, Jasper, Raven, Monty, Kane, Abby, Indra, Madi, and everyone else in the show (it's possible that I'll add them... tell me if you think I should). I feel like the books talk a lot more about life on the ship, and the show talks more about their conflict and experiences on Earth. And while it's really cool to hear about all the laws and ways of life on Phoenix, Arcadia, and Walden, I like the complexity and the way that the show weaves certain things together.

The only real reason the books are my base is because the story of the books is actually so much simpler than that of the show... timelines will be easier and events will be easier to plan. It's also easier to look back on the books than rewatching the entire show. 

If you've only watched the show, then I don't think that you'll have too much trouble understanding this story. There'll definitely be differences, more characters are introduced, and some don't exist altogether, but I think that most people will be able to manage. You don't have to read it at all, though. I mean, I can't force you to do anything.... If you have only watched the show and are confused about parts of this story, or want clarity, you can always PM me and ask, or ask in the comments. If I get enough requests or questions then I can always end up making an entire summary chapter for some of the differences.

I actually haven't finished the entire 100 book series yet... yes, not a good idea to make a fanfic about it if I haven't finished it. I'm about halfway through Rebellion (a.k.a. the last book in the series) though so I'm almost done. Hopefully because of my falling short of the finalization of the series won't interfere in the story... but if anyone can see anything wrong, point it out.

Another thing to note is that I will be attempting to use a similar format to the actual books themselves, with 3rd person writing but not all-knowing, just basically 3rd person from one person's POV. Also, I'll be using flashbacks just like in the books. These will be indicated by italics (since I can't really use 2 different fonts like in the books).

I was debating on whether or not to turn the 100 characters with the same names as other PJO characters into said PJO characters (Luke and Thalia for example). I haven't come to a set decision yet, but if anyone wants to give their input it would be greatly appreciated. My viewpoint is that Thalia would be more doable than Luke, because her character in the 100 is actually really similar to that in PJO, while Luke's is pretty different. All I could think of when reading about Thalia in the books was Thalia Grace.

Finally, if anyone can see any mistakes, either in the form of plot holes, grammatical mistakes, OOC-ness, etc., please tell me, and I'll try my best to fix it. I'm still pretty new to all the formal writing stuff, and am not that experienced so any simple proposal is great.

Thank you, enjoy the story!


Disclaimer for entire story: All rights go the owners of  the 100 and Percy Jackson

Published: November 5, 2020 (11/05/20)

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