Lone Wolf

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Sierra was in the cellar on the full moon, howling loudly as Daniel Smith tried to get out of the cellar, and he eventually ended up succeeding.

He tore through the dust-bins as a wolf, and all of them were howling as Sierra stayed in the cellar, continuing, to howl.

"Get back inside!" She was suddenly hearing Maddy shout at Daniel, as he suddenly was falling down, back into the cellar, fallin' right on top of Sierra.

The next morning, Sierra was yawning as she groaned from the floor. "You landed right on the top of me!" She complains loudly to Daniel, who was now moaning and groaning about the chicken he had eaten before Maddy had found him raidin' bins out in the back.

Sierra rubbed her ribs from where Daniel had landed right on top of her and she grunts loudly at them both, as Emma reached out a hand.

She took it and stood up, as Maddy opens the cellar door, unlocking it as she did.

"I think that chicken wore off." Daniel groaned, and Sierra snarled sharply at him, havin' still not forgiven him.

"Thank you for staying in the cellar Sierra." Maddy said at once, as Sierra smiled tiredly, as she rubbed her eyes and nodded.

"Didn't want to fall back down onto anyone, did I?" She asked with a sharp look at Daniel, who avoided looking at her.

"Can't believe you two, breaking out and raiding the bins. Oh, mamma!" A groan came from Maddy, as she picks up her shoe, that was now chewed, all the way through.

"You're always saying how I have to stay hidden from humans, and never give into our wolf-self." Maddy rolled her eyes. "And the moment you've got a chance, you are out of the cellar and away!" Maddy pointed out.

"You don't understand how powerful the pull of the moon is Maddy." Sierra chimed in, as she came back down the stairs, all dressed, ready for the day at school, no matter... how tired, she was from the night before.

"When you are old enough to take wolf form, then you--" Emma began to speak to her, as Sierra shook her head slightly at Maddy, but it was too late.

"I won't be a hypocrite who says to my kids, stay hidden, and then breaks out at the first whiff of food." Maddy says sharply. "And that chicken, bleh."

She finished and Daniel agreed as he sipped at coffee. "That chicken was all rotten. It's a good thing, that the moon it heals us. Or else you'd be bedridden with food poisoning." Sierra says with a nod, as she pulls on her shoes, and a finger from Maddy directed her to the backpack on the wall. "Thanks Mads."

She said with a grin, ruffling up her little adopted sister's hair with a slight smile at her.

"Actually, your dad's not the only one that's been eating things he shouldn't, is he?"

Emma asked, as she was opening the dust-bin and then a pointed look was shot in Maddy's direction.

Sierra looked over at the bin with a chuckle at Maddy's face.

"Yes." Daniel pointed his finger at Maddy, eager to shift the blame to another person now. "And you were still dressed when you came outside, young lady." Sierra nods in a slight form of acknowledgement, as she had seen it.

"Yeah, didn't we agree, for bed at 10:00 on school nights?" Emma asked and Sierra nodded quickly.

"But Sierra doesn't have to!" Maddy complained and Sierra shakes a hand at her.

"Don't bring me into this Mads, I'm sorry, but you're on your own on this one. Besides, we have to get to school, like now." She says as the bus honked.

"Oh, and don't go hitting me on the nose again!" Emma called after them both, directed at Maddy as the two of them both knew.

Sierra looked sympathetically at Maddy, as she walked into school wearing wellies.

"What are those on your feet?" Tom asked as he looked at Maddy with all of the laughter in the world, hidden in his eyes and expression.

"My shoes, they got eaten by werewolves." Maddy said as Sierra glared around the pair, and other kids backed off and the laughter, it at least, had partially stopped now. "Did you not see the full moon last night?" She asked.

"Don't you two go start. I've already had all this from-- ooh Shannon!" Tom quickly cut his own sentence off, as the person of interest, Shannon walks up.

"Maddy, Sierra, did you hear it last night on the moors? Howling! Here, look what I found on Dreamers Lane this morning." Shannon pulls out her phone and handed it to Maddy, whose eyes widened slightly and Sierra looks at it as well.

"I'm gonna compare it to the pawprints of different dogs." Shannon says excitedly and Sierra looked quick to Maddy, who raised eyebrows at her with a shake of her head.

"What? Every type of dog?" Tom asks.

"This is proof, Tom. Proof, that, there is definitely something weird up there on the moors." Shannon said.

When she went inside, Maddy and Sierra exchanged looks and to every other teen in the yard, it looked like a sigh of relief about Shannon leaving.

But it couldn't be any more the opposite about what had happened, it was clear to them now, that there was a wolfblood in town, one who was not a member of their pack.

The only question now was... who?

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