Mysterious Development (2)

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They had invited Rhydian over for dinner and Maddy found out as well that his parents were vegetarians.

Now they were all chowing down on food at the dinner table with Sierra as well as Rhydian, basically eating, half of the table by themselves.

"Sierra! Save some for Rhydian." Mrs. Smith exclaims, as Sierra continued to eat without stopping.

They were down in the cellar and by mistake the adults had let slip that the wild wolfbloods existed.

"Wait... you showed up out of nowhere. Dirty, covered in mud and dirt... were you a wild wolfblood?" At once, Maddy had connected the dots all back to Sierra, who winced, as she looked at Emma and Daniel sighing.

"Yes, Maddy, I was a wild wolfblood once. But my parents were killed on a full moon, by hunters. It was the first time, I had ever changed, and I didn't have a clue what to do. So I ran. I ran, and didn't look back."

"I ended up findin' my way here, where your parents saw what I was and took me in. After I told them my story, they agreed to never speak of it unless absolutely necessary. Why?" Sierra asked, havin' missed the entire conversation in detention, and Maddy looked at Rhydian with worry in her eyes.

"Shannon and Tom are out there!" Maddy panicked at once and Sierra looked at them.

"What?" She asked and Maddy looked at her with a scared face all over her.

"I can find it Maddy. I know those woods like no one else." Sierra said and Emma looked at her. "Mrs. Smith, my mom was a Tracker amongst the wild pack. One of the best, if not the best. I can help find them, but only if you let me do it my own way." She says and Emma looked at her and she nods.

"Okay. But you two, stay here!" She ordered and Sierra looked at the two younger wolfbloods, knowin' full well that they wouldn't stay put.

"I need to run, for my tracking skills to be at full power. I can't use abilities like that in a car. I need, to have direct connections to the earth." Sierra said.

Suddenly she raced off and found them all congregating in the center and suddenly the wild wolfblood had shown itself.

Jimi, Sam, and Liam had all run off like cowards, on the moors, and into the darkness of the night.

While Tom and Shannon were trying to help Tom get up, from twisting one of his ankles.

Meanwhile, Sierra and Rhydian were circling the wild wolfbloods, howling, growlin' and snarling at the wolfblood who dared to come into their territory and pack space.

Maddy began taking pictures, while Sierra baits the monster into running after her, away from both the camera flash, and everyone else in the woods.

Sierra found her way back to the group quite quickly, using a bunch of different skills. A combination of tracking, wild pack scent skills, and her eyesight heightened from being in the city for so long.

"Are you all right?" Emma asked as she looked at Sierra, who was wiping at a cut on her forehead.

"Yes, Mrs. Smith, I'm fine. But if it wasn't for Rhydian, I may have just been formerly a wild wolfblood of a steak." She said and nudged Rhydian, who smiled a bit at her, as they got in the car.

After they had gotten hot chocolate and stuff, Sierra was now lying on the couch, half asleep, from her fight with the wild wolfblood as well as the large chase that followed.

"Did it leave our territory, for certain?" Daniel asked her after both Tom and Shannon had left the house, as had Rhydian, who had a container of meat with him as well.

"Yes, Mr. Smith, I believe it has. I did my best to lead it as far away from all of them as I could. I'm sorry that they didn't listen to you, but I could have really been in a lot worse condition if they hadn't come." She says quietly as she looked at Emma, who walked into the room.

"Apologize to him for me, then, will you?" She asked and Sierra nodded at her, as she yawns and went up to bed.

The next day, Jimi, Sam and Liam were being laughed at and called the crybabies of the moors, much to all of their laughter now, as they were all laughed from the hallway.

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