Fangs Still Make a Smile, Right?

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Seliel's POV

I woke up in my bed and somehow made it to the window without falling back asleep. I peeked my sleepy eye through the curtain and saw the sunshine, singing birds, and..... was that a rainbow? I plopped back down on my bed so I wouldn't barf.

Sighing, I got up from my bed again and walked to my dresser, picking out an outfit to wear. After that, I went downstairs and looked around. I walked over to the fridge and found a small note:

"Dear Seliel, I'm going out of town for the week for my job, sorry I didn't tell you sooner, it just popped up this morning. I left all the stuff you should need in the kitchen cabinets. The usual sunscreen, non-garlic recipes, and a few containers of blood. I promise I'll get home as soon as possible! Remember, DON'T KILL ANYBODY. I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU.

Love you!                                -Dad"

UGH! This always happens! It's a really important day for me, he promises to be there, then has to leave the next morning because of his STUPID JOB! I know he loves and cares for me, and I know I can be a handful sometimes, but I still want him around more.

Sighing, I put down the note, and opened the cabinet to find some toast. Finally spotting some, I carefully placed it in the toaster. Once it was ready, I got out a container of blood and spread it across the bread. 

Once I finished eating my breakfast, I loaded up my backpack with everything I'd need. A bottle or two of blood, a sleeping bag, and after lathering down in sunscreen, I put it in my pack too.

I put on my backpack and closed my eyes. I concentrated long and hard before the light blue smoke began to flow around me. When I opened my eyes, the smoke was gone and I was flying. FINALLY! I GOT MY BAT FORM RIGHT! WOO HOO!

Oh yeah, I should probably mention.....

I'm a vampire

After about a ten minute flight, I poofed back into my normal form and walked up to the edge of the forest. I always loved going there when my dad was away. After checking to make sure there wasn't any cell reception, (so no one would call me and I could be alone) I stretched for a few minutes then ran as fast as I could. 

Eventually, I got to a cave. And yes, this sounds weird, but it was my favorite cave. Granted I've only been in two other ones, but they were both pretty crappy. 

I stepped inside, setting down my bag. I breathed in the cold, stone like smell, enjoying myself. 

"Hey everyone!" I quietly yelled. As if on cue, about 20 bats flew over to me. It was always nice to be around "my own kind" as my father calls it.

See, my grandmother on my mom's side was a vampire, but my mom inherited being a human from my grandpa. So when I began to show signs of being one, let's just say that my mom had a lot of explaining to do. 

Dad was never really happy about his daughter being a blood thirsty monster though. So after Mom got sick and died, in an effort to hide me, he forced me to look as human as I could. For example, although my hair was already pink and blue, he made me restyle it to hide my widow's peak. I'm not allowed to practice my bat form anywhere near other people. I have to do my best to hide it when I'm feeding on blood. It's hard sometimes but I've gotten the hang of it. 

Anyways, I ended up spending the night in the cave with the bats. For breakfast I had a bottle of O positive. After a couple hours I got bored and headed home, you know, after spending 10 minutes lathering down in sunscreen.

Masters and Monsters; a Ninjago High School story (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now