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Doncaster, England📍


"Harry, could you grab those please?" Anne's sweet voice asked, pointing to three boxes on the sidewalk. Harry gave her a nod. She responded with a smile, and Harry picked them up; stacked on top of each other.

He didn't really know why they had to move from Redditch. His mum said it was better here though. Schools, jobs, people, places, better food and especially better houses; which Anne was so fond of.

She told him she needed a new job so they moved to Doncaster, but he personally thinks it was just because she was looking out for him. Harry wasn't very liked back at his school in Redditch, and would often come home with bruises on his face of sort.

It wasn't his fault he's not exactly straight, well, maybe it is since he tends to like the same gender (rather than the social norm). But it's not like he wants to be that way, you can't control that.

The boxes were placed on the floor of the squarish kitchen. It was open from the living room—welcoming. The neighbourhood was quiet and pretty. Nice lawns and styled houses.

"Do you want to go pick your room before Gemma arrives?" Anne stalked into the kitchen with a side smirk. Harry noticed he was still holding his boxes once she put hers down, so he followed up.

As he straightened, he sent her a bright smile then ran up the stairs and into the first room on the right. It wasn't too big but big enough for a bed, desk, dresser and possibly a chair. Luckily the room also had it's own tiny restroom: Shower, toilet, and sink. Not very spacey, but definitely not something you couldn't walk around in.

The door shutting downstairs, and the sounds of two ladies talking made Harry's heart warm. Gemma was finally here.

Harry raced back downstairs and Gemma turned to him with a smile, "Like it here so far?" She wondered, embracing him in a hug that he gladly accepted. Harry nodded into her shoulder with a smile. Gemma scoffed as they pulled away, tousling his messy curls.

"Excited for school tomorrow?" She chuckled making Harry's mood drop six feet under. He'd forgot about school when he arrived. The excitement of moving into a new home got to him too much.

School wasn't all that bad, the teachers liked him, he had good grades, the food was actually decent, but he had no friends and got bullied so that's where it went bad.

"No. No, not really." Harry blinked a numerous of times and crossed his arms.

Gemma shook her head fondly and walked up to him, kissing his cheek. "You'll be fine, Harry." Then she was gone. After a pat on the shoulder, she trutted upstairs.

Harry's mind sparked suddenly, and he instantly turned towards the stairs. "My rooms on the right, so get out of there!" He wasn't so sure if she was in there; but as soon as he heard a sigh and steps further down the hall, he beamed with glee.


It was night time. The worst moment of Harry's day was the night, mainly because he just didn't sleep. He couldn't.

After he came out when he was thirteen, this bubble of stress filled around him and hasn't popped since. Sometimes he wasn't even worried. Though he still couldn't stop from tossing and turning, and banging his fists against pillows or walls.

He couldn't understand how he was still able to get picked on at seventeen. You're practically the top of the school, save for a year. It killed him knowing after years of therapy and pill taking, he still wasn't better. He was starting to lose hope.

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