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The room was dark, and the only source of light was the table lamp.

Robert was standing near his desk, holding a file and a cassette!

Holding the cassette up, confirming me, he said," You see this cassette, it has all your answers. If you want, I can play this right now, and then you are free to decide."

The curiosity inside me was unbearable to ignore his proposal.

"Yes, I want to see this."

Robert inserted the cassette into the videotape and clicked the play button. I walked towards the TV to get a better view and sound.

My mom and Robert were engaged in a conversation.

"Trixie will get all the property once she turns Eighteen, and then we can ask her to hand it over to us. We will send her to some far-away university for higher studies. I am telling you, Robert, this is a perfect plan." I couldn't believe my eyes, Mom, how can she say this to her daughter.

Before I could realize what was happening, Robert groped me from behind.

"Finally, you came to me. I was waiting for this moment. Now you are mine." Robert's hold was too tight for me to escape.

Trixie run!

My mind was playing all types of scenarios of escaping from him.

The door was locked, the music outside was too loud, making my screams bounce.

Oh, God!

Why I came here?

I was stunned when Robert lifted my gown from the back and inserted his fingers inside my thongs.

"You know how much I wanted to fuck this pussy of yours?" While he was enjoying it, I got a single shot to escape. With a force, I pushed my elbow towards him hitting his stomach hard. With a sudden reaction, Robert's left his grasp, allowing me to run towards the door.

But God had some other plans that night.

While running towards the door, I strangled with my gown, making me hit the ground directly.

Robert came rushing behind me. Grabbing a handful of my hair, he dragged me towards the fireplace.

My whole body was screaming with pain.

"You little bitch, you think you can out-smart me?" With a loud crackle, he hit my head with the wood lying near the fireplace.

Blood streamed down from my forehead, making me dizzy.

But, I have to stay awake, I can't take the risk of losing to this bastard.

"Robert, leave me. Or once mom found out about this, she will kill you."

"Your mom, sweetheart, you are so dumb. You didn't even know you were adopted. Your mother never loved you. She always wanted money, and for that, she can go to any extent." He said sarcastically.

Somewhere in the back of my head, I knew the truth. I knew I was adopted, but hearing from Robert's mouth, I questioned God his intentions.

Giving up all my hopes of survival, I closed my eyes in defeat, and then I heard him, Caleb.

With a loud bang, the door opened. Caleb run inside the room, lifting the same wood, which Robert used to hit me, swung it, hitting him on his back.


Robert fell to the ground next to me.

"Trixie, baby! Are you alright? Let's get out of here." Caleb was supporting me to stand up when Robert grabbed Caleb from behind, dragging him away from me.

"Trixie is mine." Robert was yelling at the top of his voice.

Caleb punched Robert in the gut and pushed him to the ground. Robert staggered up, staring at Caleb.

"You think you can defeat me, kid!" He spat and launched himself at Caleb.

Robert and Caleb were blowing each other punches so fast that I couldn't figure out who was winning. Outside, it was a thunderstorm, raining heavily. And on the ground floor, the music was so high that there was no chance of figuring out what was happening here.

God knows what's going to occur next.

But suddenly, lightning flashed through the window, and my whole world collapsed.

Robert was lying on the floor, dead.


Caleb was there with me, holding a knife covered with blood.

I was shocked to react, and then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

Lightning exploded in the sky.

"Trixie, I love you and will love you forever."

Another lightning flashed, and Caleb was gone.

The door opened, and I saw everyone rushing towards me. People were shocked, my mom, she slapped me, but my body was too stiff to react.

Too many questions, too many allegations, but my eyes are stuck on the open window.

"Please don't leave me, Caleb." And I fainted. 

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