The Day Is Lost Anyways

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RunKoi Requested:

"Hey this is a request for an Ellie x female reader but can you do one were the reader has done multiple watch shifts at Jackson and is like super tired and then goes back home to Ellie is like super pissed and they both have a fight but Ellie doesn't realise she has gone days with out sleep.

It's kind of specific but I don't know you don't have to do it"


Triggers: language, verbal fighting.


"What on earth are you still doing here?" The sound of Joel's deep voice startles you, and you twist around in your chair to look at him, gun raised. "Whoa, cowboy, it's just me."

"Jesus, Joel." You hiss, lowering your gun immediatly while flicking the safety back on. "I could have shot you," You turn to look back out over the snowy forest, teeth chittering as you try and ignore the cold.

"What are you still doing up here? I thought you had watch last night, and Ellie tells me she hasn't seen you all day." Joel crosses his arms, leaning against the barrier at the top of the gate. You shrug, feeling like a scolded child.

"Well, Maria needed me this morning for something and Sammy's wife has a scare with the baby and so I took his watch." You turn away from the man, trying not to feel like you did anything wrong. It's not your fault Maria has been so busy lately, and with Tommy visiting another community she needs you.

"You aren't any use to us nearly passed out." Joel reminds you, making you sigh. "Why don't you go home to Ellie, she's worried about you." You turn your head slightly to look at Joel, eyebrows raised.

"She told you this?" You ask, not exactly believing that. Ellie isn't the most open person, even with you, but you put up with her because you love her.

"Hey!" He calls, grinning. "She tells me things, now get outta here." He waves a hand at you making you chuckle as you rest the sniper against the barrier wall. You walk past the man, and he pats your shoulder in passing. "Put a sock on the doorknob." He teases, and you shove him out of the way.

"Sock on the-" you mutter, slowly going down the ladder to the bottom of the gate beside the horse stables. Jason greets you as you land, and you wave back politely with a loud yawn. You blink the exhaustion from your eyes, shaking her arms out to wake yourself up. Maybe staying up for two days wasn't the greatest idea.

The walk to Ellie's place is cold and quiet, and you almost go to your house instead. You don't want to talk to your roomates, and most of your stuff is at Ellie's place anyways. Passing Joel's house you open the gate to his backyard, rubbing your hands over your arms as you glance at the light pouring through Ellie's windows. Gidiness fills you when you realize she must be awake.

You know three times on the door before pushing it open, a blast of warm air instantly hitting you and making you sigh in relief. Your shucking off your boots and bag before the door even closes. "Boy it is way too cold out-"

"Nice to see you finally came by." Ellie's chilled voice makes you stop, jacket halfway off your body. For a second, you think maybe you imagined the words. "I thought maybe you went with Tommy to that community." The cold tone continues, and you turn with narrowed eyes.

"What?" You ask, head tilted as you lay the jacket across the table by the door. "What's wrong?" Ellie lays in bed, book open in her hands as she looks at you. She closes it, setting it aside before sitting up.

"I mean, you left yesterday morning without a word, and you've been gone two days." She shrugs, pushing herself out of bed to stand beside it, arms crossed over her chest.

"I've just been busy, I have commitments here Ellie." You can feel the frustration rising in you, hear it in your tone of voice. You're just so tired.

"I know that, but you couldn't let me know you were okay?" Ellie asks, voice slightly raged. It immediatly sets you off and you ball your hands at your sides.

"I have things I have to do, I don't have time to constantly coddle you!" You regret the words after they leave your mouth but it's already too late. Easily, Ellie matches your level of voice.

"So I'm not allowed to worry?" She ask, throwing her hands into the air. "You dissapear for two days, I didn't even know if you were okay until Joel told me."

"Do you want me to apologize?!" You shout back, rolling your eyes at her. "You aren't my mom, I don't have to report back to you all the time!"

"Where you with Jesse?" Ellie suddenly asks, throwing you completely. "Dina says he's been missing for two days, so were you?" Rage fills you like molten lava, bubbling over like a volcano ready to explode.

"YOU THINK I'VE BEEN CHEATING ON YOU?!" The words rip out of you so abruptly you're left panting, eyes wide as you look at Ellie.

"I don't know! Where you with him?!" She screams back, voice almost horse as she looks at you with worried filled eyes.

"Yes I was with him!" You growl. "We work with Maria together, Ellie!" You clench your fists, trying to calm down with deep breathes. Your vision swims, suddenly feeling dizzy.

"What am I supposed to think? You and Jesse both missing and I know you used to date him!" Ellie throws her hands again, sounding just as frustrated as you.

"You're supposed to trust me!" Your vision suddenly tilts as soon as you speak. "Fuck." You curse, entire body spilling foreward to the ground. You catch yourself on your hands and knees, feeling the need to throw up as your vision spins.

"Y/N?!" Ellie hollers, in worry this time. She hurries over, falling to her knees beside you and setting her hand on your back. "What's wrong?"

"Just dizzy, I've been up for two days." You chuckle, anger forgotten as you focus on not throwing up your small lunch.

"You have?" Ellie asks in a small voice, rubbing your back in gentle circles as you take deep breaths. You straighten, sitting on the ground with your legs bent beneath you as you look at Ellie.

"Ellie, why are you always worried about me and Jesse?" You ask, searching her face and trying to understand. "We dated five years ago, I'm not going to leave you." You reach out and touch her cheek, knowing that this is really what it's about. She's afraid of you leaving her, but you won't.

"I'm sorry, I do trust you." She whispers back, leaning into your trust. "I love you, I'm sorry I yelled at you." She smiles gently.

"I'm sorry I yelled to, you know I love you- and what Jesse and I had is way over." You nod, fighting your own grin. "Now, can we please go to bed I'm exhausted." Ellie lets out a laugh, and you join her.

"Yes, I have watch in the morning, but you are sleeping in." Ellie stands, reaching a hand out to pull you up. She steadies you when you almost fall, leading you over to the bed.

"I haven't seen you in two days, we're both sleeping in." You grin, right before tackling your girlfriend into the bed.


Tadaa! Hope you like it- i just had to add fluff because I can't bare to see Ellie sad! Anyways, you can request in the first chapter!


Unedited, as always.

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