Eyes of The Jealous [18🚫]

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@AngleNicz requests;

Jealous Ellie w/ smut

Pairing: elliexfem!reader
TW: language, smut
Type: angst/smut

A/N: before this starts I want to warn you I have not written smut in a VERY long time.

"So I cannot believe you're here! It's been what? A year?" You laugh, smacking Jason's arm gently as the bonfire crackles in front of you. Jason laughs is response, shoving his shoulder into yours.

"Yeah, more like three!" The both of you laugh loudly, before Maria clears her throat.

"Where did you two meet?" She asks politely, but you can tell everyone is on edge. Most of all, your best friend Ellie who sits on your other side. Jason looks at you as if asking who is gonna tell the story.

"We met in the fireflies, but left not long after we joined. We ended up splitting because I wanted to see my Aunt Maria and he wanted to go to Seattle. Jason nods as Joel leans foreword, head tilting.

"What's in Seattle?" He asks, clearly trying to be polite. Joe isn't the kind of man to have light conversation, this is probably an interrogation.

"The Wlfs, I was trying to get Y/N to go so I could propose." Ellie let's out a sudden sound before coughing loudly, and most of the group looks shocked. You groan before shoving Jason.

"That's not what he means, we were dating but he likes to joke about getting married since it doesn't mean anything anymore." You wince as Maria raises her eyebrows. "For us, we always joked that it didn't mean anything for us."

"Speak for yourself, babe," Jason jokes, slinging his arm across your shoulder. You sigh, letting yourself smile and lean into him. On your other side, Ellie stands so abruptly the log they're sitting on wobbles.

"I'm going to bed, I have patrols in the morning." She hisses, sounding upset. You watch her retreat away from the bond fire, walking in the direction of Joel's house. You want to follow her, but Jason's arm around you tightens and you decide to stay.


"Ellie?" You call, gently pushing her door open after she doesn't reply to your knocks. Inside the backyard shack turned bedroom is dim, with only the desk lamp and bed lamp on. Ellie turns in her desk chair towards you, removing the headphones from
Her ears.

"What are you doing here? I thought you and Jason were spending time together." She asks, the tone of her voice shocking you. You step into the room, closing the door behind you before leaning against it.

"You're mad." You say plainly, raising your eyebrows as you look at the other girl. Ellie looks away for a moment as she shrugs, clearing her throat. "What's wrong?"

"Really?" She scoffs, that same bitter tone in her voice that surprises you. "You wanna know why I'm mad?" She asks, standing from the chair and looking at you with eyes that scream 'predator' and you appear to be the prey. "You really have no idea?" You stay against the door as she walks towards you, hands clenched at her sides.

"Ellie, talk to me- okay?" You plead with her, not afraid of how upset she looks. as if you could ever fear the girl, who would never hurt you. She stops about a foot away, head tilted.

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