Can't Go On Without You

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forellie requests;

'Love quarrel. Do with that what you will, my friend!'

Pairing: Elliexdinaxfem!reader
TW: language, gore, verbal fighting
Type: angst ;(

"Watch it El!" You scream as the runner leaps at her, knocking the red haired girl to the snow covered ground. You curse, instincts telling you to run and protect your girlfriend, but instead you raise your gun at the clicker approaching you.

"Ellie!" Dina screams behind you, her voice distracting you momentarily as you whip around towards the two behind you. You watch Dina kick the runner from Ellie, shooting it in the face just as it hits the ground. The dark haired girl then leans down to help her up, the girls talking in hushed tones.

"Shit!" You curse as a hand wraps around your hair, yanking you backwards and off your feet. You crash into the infected, the both of you hitting the cold ground with a smack. Fear fills your body as you grapple to gain control over the runner, cursing under your breath.

You finally stop moving, ending up on your back with the infected baring down on top of you. You let out an enraged yell as it's nails sink into the skin of your arms. You palm the knife in your hand, bringing it up to slit across the neck of the runner. It sliced through its skin like butter, and blood immediately pours over your hands and down your arms. You shove it away quickly, wiping the blood on your shirt before it can reach your scratch wounds.

You roll to stand, immediately looking around for your girlfriends. Dina and Ellie are both facing off against what looks like five runners and a clicker, back to back. You feel your jealousy rise at the sight, but the sounds of more infected behind you halt your petty feelings.

You turn towards the infected sprinting at you, and the clicker hobbling down the road towards you. One hand reaches for your gun and comes back empty, the weapon laying in the snow a few feet away. The other hand wipes wet blood across your jeans, crouching down to grab your knife just as it reaches you.

You hop up swinging, slicing it across the cheek and shoving it away with your other hand. It comes back immediately and you glance nervously at the clicker getting closer. 'gotta finish it' you think, attempting to stab the runner in the eye but missing as the infected moves at the last second. It's body slams into yours, hitting you in the ribs so hard your lungs empty and your eyes close against the pain.

'that wasn't good.' you think before shoving it away, your ribs crying out and nearly making you do the same. Your knife finds it's way into the things skull, it's body finally falling back into the snow. You turn towards the rapidly approaching clicker, preparing to take it on with just your fists, but a two gunshots ring out and it falls into the snow.

You turn, looking over your shoulder to see Ellie laugh at Dina who hold her gun at eye level. The jealousy returns, and you try not to let it overcome you as you turn and head towards the watch building.


"That was close, we should tell Maria how many there were when we get back." Ellie says as she enters the room, throwing her backpack on a couch. Dina walks beside her, while you hang back a few steps, lost in thought.

"We still have a few hours to wait for Jesse, I say we just relax." Dina says, taking a seat on the couch and letting out a hiss of pain. "shit my arm." You enter the room and watch as Ellie rushes over to Dina like she's inches away from death.

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