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Endorsi added Viole to Respect Bam


Viole: bitch, no language on earth has a word for how little I care. A supercomputer calculating for a thousand years could not even approach the number of fucks I do not give.

Endorsi: yeah, you aren't who I thought you were.

Shibisu: Viole

Viole: pervert

Shibisu: what makes you think that

Viole: I know Hwa Ryun

Shibisu: I'm gonna kill that bitch

Viole: sorry, that's my job, so go and fuck yourself

Viole: oh wait, you do that anyways

Hatz: I like this dude

Viole: shut up you swordless bag of shite

Shibisu: still like him now?

Hatz: I don't know anymore

Annak: I don't like him

Viole: no gives a fuck. So die in a ditch, you ugly fat bitch

Lauroe: shut up, I'm asleep

Viole: then put your phone on silent you bellend

Shibisu: you remind of Khun

Viole: and you remind me of a perverted twat

Viole: oh wait, that's you!

Endorsi: who else has mixed feelings about this guy

Hatz: me

Annak: me

Shibisu: but he killed Khun!

Viole: cool, do you wanna meet him

Shibisu: where

Viole: in hell

Shibisu: 😶

Shibisu: I'm scared

Viole: now you know how I feel when I think about looking at your ugly face

Endorsi: OOF!

Hatz: Viole's a savage

Annak: yes he is

Endorsi: so what's your favorite song Viole?

Viole: nunya

Endorsi: nunya?

Viole: nun ya business

Hatz: should of seen that coming

Viole: yes you should of

Hatz: also you're a bully


Hatz: I don't know how to talk to you

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Hatz: I don't know how to talk to you

Viole: then don't talk, you'll do the world a favour.

Hatz: ok, I've tried being nice. Fuck off!

Hatz kicked Viole off the chat

Endorsi: why u do that?

Endorsi added Viole

Hatz kicked Viole

Endorsi added Viole

Hatz kicked Viole

Endorsi: it's not letting me add him back

Hatz: because he blocked you

Endorsi: nah I just need to wait a day

Hatz: well, I need sleep

Shibisu: sme

Endorsi: ok bye

Everyone logged off

A/N: turns out Viole blocked both Endorsi and Hatz

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