What are you doing?

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Bam, Khun, Wangnan, Sachi and White logged on

White: what are you doing?

Bam: What am I doing?

White: Thwartin' my plans?

Bam: Thwartin' your plans

White: Are you?!?

Bam: No

White: good because that'll be bad

Bam: how bad?

White: I'll have to kill you!

Bam: that's bad.

White: indeed!

Khun: wtf are you even doing here?!?

Wangnan: he forced me to add him

Khun: you know I can't tell if you're a boy or a girl!

Sachi: very few people can

White: shut the fuck up

Hatz: right back at ya Frieza!

White: Frieza?

Hatz: from DBZ, as you're pretty much a Frieza rip-off

White: how so

Hatz: well, you're a midget in that starting form. You're dressed fully in white. You're a huge threat (apparently), you have different forms, and Bam needs a huge power boost to stop you.

Bam: why is he always the smartest one here

Khun: idk

Bam: seems legit


White: seems legit

Rachel: hi

Rachel was kicked off the chat by Bam

Wangnan: so quick question, why am I travelling with the strongest regulars here when I'm a total weakling

Bam: idk, you do lose pretty much all the time. But you know what they say, when you all off that horse, you get right back up, and you eat that horse!

Wangnan: what

Sachi: the

Khun: Fuck?!?

Bam: idk

White: seems legit


Khun: ok, bye tights-bitch

Hwa Ryun:🖕🏻

Sachi: what just happened

Bam: idk

White: seems legit

Bam: ok we should stop now, save it for next chapter

Khun: so is the 4th wall not there anymore

Bam: it's under construction after Hatz broke it with his Webtoon theory

Khun: so won't that mean there'll be a special chapter next time due to the 4th walls recent demise

Bam: idk

Khun: seems legit

Gigguk: ok, you can stop quoting me now!

Bam: no

Gigguk: *sighs*

Bam: moving on

Hatz: guys, I've got a theory

Khun: 'The Hatz's Fact Conspiracy' show aren't scheduled to broadcast today!

Hatz: that's true

Bam: but how do you know all this

Hatz: well, that's because I'm L!

Light: SHIT!

L: no you're not

Hatz: it was a joke, go back to your own fandom

L: sure

Bam: so who's the most OP person you know

White: Saitama

Sachi: Zeno

Hatz: Goku

Khun: Anos Voligoad

Bam: ...

Bam: let's leave it up for debate!

Khun: well I've gtg, bye!

Bam: see ya

Sachi: bye

White: later

Hatz: bye

Everyone logged off

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