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Bam, Khun, Endorsi, Shibisu and Wangnan logged on

Wangnan: hey guys

Bam: hi

Wangnan: so I hear that everyone here is a Stay.

Endorsi: yep

Wangnan: tbh, I'm not surprised.

Bam: so are you one?

Wangnan: well, tell me someone who isn't and I'll be surprised

Bam: Rachel

Wangnan: well, tbh, I'm not surprised as she's literally the reincarnation of Satan





Rachel was kicked off the chat by Bam

Khun: I'm so proud of you Bam

Bam: thx Khun.

Khun: 🥰

Endorsi: 🤬

Shibisu: did I miss something or is Bam being nice now

Bam: nah, I just started a war.

Wangnan: true, but I'm jealous you've got Endorsi drooling over you. I've always wanted that

Endorsi: fuck off

Wangnan was kicked off the chat by Endorsi

Bam: so what's everyone's favorite Stray Kids song

Wangnan was added to the chat by Wangnan.

Wangnan: BEWARE

Endorsi: how the fuck did you even get back into the chat?!?

Wangnan: I don't know

Endorsi: seems legit

Bam: mines still Top and Slump in Japanese

Khun: mines Phobia, Easy and God's Plan

Shibisu: That sounds like you

Hatz: mines Question

Hatz: and I've been thinking, what if this was actually a webcomic on a platform called WEBTOON made by an author called SIU and has recently been converted into a anime.

Hatz: nah, that's unlikely

A/N: Hatz is smart and dumb at the same time

Shibisu: mines Mirror

Endorsi: Levanter

Bam: it's weird how I haven't insulted anyone today

Khun: ikr

Shibisu: let's keep it that way.

Bam: well I've got to go, see ya losers


Bam: what?

Shibisu: we just said to not insult people for 1 day, and then you call us fucking losers!

Bam: so what.

Shibisu: you done the complete opposite of what we said.

Bam: ok then, what about this?

Bam: You look like Benjamin Button fucked an old catcher's mitt. Like four inches of face stretched over twelve inches of skull. Like a moldy jack-o-lantern that some frat guy barfed in and then crushed against his forehead because he was super drunk and thought it was a beer can and immediately regretted every single life choice he ever made!

Khun: holy shit!

Endorsi: what the actual fuck?!

Wangnan: Jesus Christ

Hatz: 🤯

Bam: oh, right! I have to go! Bye

Khun: I'm leaving too, bye

Endorsi: same, see ya.

Bam, Khun and Endorsi logged off

Shibisu: let's go too

Wangnan: ok

Everyone logged off

A/N: I couldn't get the songs. Also hoped you enjoyed this SKZ based chapter as most (if not all) my known viewers on this are, in fact, Stay's so yeah.

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