SC - Highschool

406 18 28

A/N: a special chapter where everyone is set in a Highschool and......

TheSmilingChocolate: Why are you stealing my idea?!?

Me: WHAT! NO! I'm just borrowing it because I'm out of ideas

TheSmilingChocolate: STARE..................ok

Me: okay.................... well, back to the chapter.

Bam, Khun, Rak and Endorsi logged on.


Khun: it took me 1 minute to do all the work.

Endorsi: NERD!

Khun: shut up Piccolo.

Bam: fuck this shit I'm out!

Khun: what do you mean

Bam: how do you do this?

Bam: how do you do this?

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Endorsi: don't ask me

Khun: easy

A/N: I came up with this equation from the top of my head

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A/N: I came up with this equation from the top of my head. I should've made it harder.

Rak: clever turtle

Endorsi: anyone else forget he was here?

Khun: me

Bam: me

Rak: me

Bam: .....

Khun: .....

Endorsi: .....

Rak: weird turtles

Endorsi: OH IM WEIRD?!?

Rak was kicked off the chat by Bam

Bam: I would very much want to avoid World War 3.

Endorsi: tell that to King Jong-un

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