The Bad Guys

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'Warning: killing, abuse, torture, canablizeme, blackouts, starvation, fear'


Dust was finishing off a human. He smirked seeing their blood go everywhere.

It's much more satisfying than monster dust.

He was assigned to kill them, as they were a problem in the boss's plans.

Then something pushed him, it was so fast and suddenly he couldn't dodge them.

He got off the floor to stab the thing only to hear flesh tearing apart. He saw a skeleton. He wore nothing but a winter jacket, he had a hole in his skull.

He was eating the human he just killed. He was eating like a hungry wolf that has been starved for years.

Dust just stared too shocked to do anything.

The skeleton slurred up an eye-ball and noticed Dust. He hissed, which was terrifying with all the blood, and jumped on Dust.

"Hey! Get off me!!!" Dust yelled struggling with the skeleton, blood dripping onto him. The other didn't hear him or couldn't.

He continued to fight and tried to bite Dust. "You're not getting a taste of this skeleton, "Dust said and kicked him off.

The other skeleton flew back into a bunch of dustbins. Dust heard a whimper, it sounded animal. Dust got up and saw that the skeleton was holding his arm. His bone was crack from impact.

Dust could see him better. He was a male. The hole in his head was big and he had one big red orb in his left eye socket.

The other held his cracked and bleeding bone, it would be painful to get your bone cracked, Dust would now.

But the other got over the pain quickly and growled at Dust.

Dust summoned a bone and pointed at the other "Who are you?" He asked. Dust could kill him, but he was curious. Why did he have a crack in his skull? why did he eat the human and how?

The other stared at him, then something growled. The other left his cracked bone and held where his stomach would be.

He's hungry?

The other snapped up and went back to the body and continued to eat them. Dust cringed a bit and de-summoned his attack.

His phone then vibrated. He fished it out of his pocket and saw that Killer was calling him, he answered. "Yo, dude?! where are you? did you take care of the human?" he asked. Dust looked towards the body and the skeleton didn't even notice Dust moved.

"uh, about that" Dust mumbled. "What? did you crew it up?" Killer laughed. Dust sneered "no, I'm not you Killer"

"Touche dude, I don't mess around that much" He chuckled. Dust rolled his eyes, then someone talked to Killer "Is Dust done?" The dark voice asked. It was Nightmare, their boss, Dust could recognize his voice anytime.

"I'm not sure," Killer said. Dust looked back at the other skeleton, he was moving down to the organs, the face gone.


Dust snapped out of his thoughts "huh?"

He heard a sigh "I asked what is the problem?" It was Nightmare. "No problem with the kill, they're dead" Dust watched as the skeleton ripped the rib cage out of their chest and threw it at the wall, making a clanking sound as it hit a can-bin.

"What was that?" Killer asked. "The problem," Dust said.


After Dust explained to Killer and Nightmare what happened, Nightmare came to see, Killer tagging along.

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