January 3rd 2015- My "AMAZING" Sweet Sixteen

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Today is my 16th birthday, and unlike most teenage girls, I have not planned an awesome sweet sixteen. The McConnells and Saxons are coming over, and we are going to eat cake and drink wine.

The day started off on my couch. I got up, got my computer, took it downstairs, and began re-watching Arrow. Olicity for the win! My mom was going shopping, so I went with her. We bought pasta for my birthday dinner, cheese and chicken tortellini. It looked spectacular.

When we got home, I opened up my computer and kept watching Arrow. My mom told me everyone would be there soon, so I got up and put on a sweater. Perfect attire for my sixteenth birthday.

When everyone arrived, the kids all went downstairs to play, and I stayed upstairs with the adults, watching football. I mean, I was watching Arrow and they were watching football, but we were in the same room.

When dinner was ready, we all sat down at the table. It was really delicious. We had pasta and Southern Crunch Chicken from Lowblaws, which is my favourite chicken ever. When dinner was done, I opened my presents. From the McConnells, I got a Starbucks gift card, and from the Saxons, I got two movie gift cards. I don't know what movie I'm going to see, because as far as I know, nothing good is coming out anytime soon. Expect Insurgent. From my family, I got Just Dance 2015, and played it right after with Jaime and Addison. It was fun, and the dances are much more complicated this time around than before. Addy's favourite one was "Let It Go", and she was Elsa every time. Addison is 3, so it's not weird.

I was just really excited because they had "Papaoutai" on the list where you can buy songs, and I really wanted to buy that song. Like, extremely bad. The dance looks fun, and almost exactly like the video. Speaking of dances like the video, durning "Best Song Ever" by One Direction, the ending part was the same on the game as it was in the video. It was really cool.

After that, we had cake and wine. The cake was chocolate and vanilla ice cream with chocolate fudge in the middle, and it was soooooooo good. My mom mixed the wine with orange juice, and it didn't taste that bad, but I still didn't drink all of it. the kids had sparkling juice, and I also had some. It is my favourite drink in the whole world. 

When everyone left, it was 23:00, and I was sitting downstairs in the dark by myself, watching Arrow(shocker). When the episode ended, I turned off my devices, went upstairs, and got into bed. Tomorrow is Sunday, the last day of vacation before I have to go back to school. It's almost exams, and I really don't want to go through with that.


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