January 22nd 2015- First Day Of Exams

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Well, as the title indicates, toady was the first day of exams. Which means I didn't have to go to school. I got to wake up, have Grace and Andrew come over, and have them leave for school before me. It was the best!

All I did in the morning was watch an episode of Baby Daddy, watch Catching Fire, and watch a little bit of How To Train Your Dragon. Again. I should've studied, but I didn't. I was also playing the Sims while there.

Me and Becca met to walk to school at 11:10, and got there at around 11:25. we put our stuff in our lockers, and went to the doors to the cafeteria. That's where exams are. There are certain rows for our class, and Carlee, Becca, and I all sat in row K. That's the last row we could sit in. I sat in the very front seat, Carlee right behind me, and Becca behind her.

Little side note: there's this guy in my grade that seems to have a phobia of cutting his hair, and usually wears a hat to cover up his shoulder length hair. But we're not allowed to wear hats during the exam for some reason, so he made the wise decision of parting his hair. On the side. It's not weird, but it just didn't look right. Just wanted to rant about that.

I have no idea how I did on the exam. I hope I did okay, but it all depends on the teacher, because there are really no right answers. Well, that's not true, because the right answer is whatever answer the teacher is looking for. So for everyone who has never done an exam, and wants to get a good mark on it, know your teacher, and what they look for in a good assignment. That's the only way to ensure a good mark on an English exam.

When I got home, mom was there, so I couldn't really enjoy my time off. I enjoy my time off much more when nobody is home. Then I'm free to yell at my dog the whole day, and have nobody get mad at me of look at me weird. Seriously though, I talk to my dog like he can understand English. I also speak his language, but I don't know what I'm saying. I hope it's something nice.

Ethan decided to stay at school late, so I drove the car with mom to see if he was there. He was, and we went to Lowblaws to get cookies and chips. Three different flavours of Doritos: regular, cool ranch, and jalapeño cheddar. I'm going to eat them tomorrow.

For dinner, I am eating butter chicken. Well, it's chicken nuggets dipped in butter chicken sauce, but I count that as the same thing.

For got the mention that my hard copy driver's licence came in the mail yesterday. Very spectacular, but it doesn't fit in the back of my iPod anymore. I will have to get some type of little wallet thing.

That sounds like a good idea.

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