January 12th 2015- An Abundance Of Assignments

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I had to go to school again today. School is getting really old really fast. I don't want to be there anymore. I appreciate that I'm getting an education, but is everything that we're learning really able to help me in everyday life? Will reading Lord Of The Flies really help or impact my life at all? I think now. I'm not going into English, so it really wont.

I drove all the way to school today, and didn't crash or even come close to crashing, so that is an accomplishment. English was sucking, mostly because we have a summative (final assignment) due on Thursday, and I've barely done any work for it at all. I despise that our final project for an academic grade ten English course is a poster. Yes, it is a freaking poster, and I despise posters.

In Science we watched a video again, and it was so uneventful that I can't remember what it was about. But that doesn't matter because I finished my homework, which I always do in science, because homework is for slackers. Said like a true overachiever.

I don't pack my own lunch. I probably should have mentioned that before now, but no, I'm sixteen and my parents pack my lunch for me. If I was to have the responsibility of packing my own lunch, I would never have food. If I could drive by myself and had my own car, I would just drive home at lunch and eat there. But I don't, so my parents get stuck with that terrible job. I'm very picky. Today, I was given noodles. I'm pretty sure that if you make noodles that are supposed to be delicious, it shouldn't start out as being dry. But these noodles did, and that is disturbing. They didn't taste good at all, but I ate all of them.

Construction was interesting, because a lot of people in the class are not even close to being done their projects, even though they are due very soon. I don't really understand why some people leave so many things to the last minute, because if you do things earlier, than you have lots of time later to do other, more exciting things. And building a model deck is definitely not exciting. It's actually kind of boring.

In French we worked a little bit on our summatives, which is to write journal entries from the perspective of someone who travelled to a country where an official language is French. I picked Switzerland, because my friend Em used to live there, and I want so see what it is like. I haven't actually written any of my thing, but I really should.

After school Becca and I walked home together, and I think you can guess what I did when I got home. If you guessed the Sims 3, you'd be right. I ate tortellini for dinner, left over from my birthday. My dad had some as well. It was still really good.

When it was time for my weekly dance class, my dad and I had already dropped off Ethan and Grace at their art class, and dropped Max off for his haircut. He was really scared, but he was okay later. Then we picked Ethan up from art and brought him to karate after picking up Becca from her house. After Ethan was at his karate place, dad switched seats with me, and I drove Becca and I to dance.

Dance was okay, but our dance is kind of stupid. I don't really understand it, but the new instructor is slowly making it better.

After dance we went home, and I watched the episode of Lost Girl that was on last night. I really like that show. It's awkward to watch it while your family is around, but if they're not around, then life is good, and so is the show.

I hate school.

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