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Felix has always been a...spiritual person, in the sense that he was very superstitious and believed in soul mates and twin flames. He even thought he had met his. Long before he met Chan.

Back in Australia, he had a girl before he left. That girl, he believed was his soulmate. He felt...connected to the girl, a connection he had never felt before. He'd only known her for a few weeks yet felt as if she'd been there since he was born.

He was head over heals in love with her.

Yet all good things must come to an end.

Their relationship ended abruptly. He was walking home from school when he'd gotten her call, he still remembers it. Word for word.

"Oh hey, gonna grab some snacks for later, want anything?"

A pregnant pause, "Felix, are you free right now?"

Felix slowed down, "Yeah, why? What's up?"

Muffled whispers, "We have- I have to break up with you."

Felix felt his eyes feeling misty, "Why? What?"

A hush in her side, "I met up with Alex. We're better off, i loved my time with you, truly, I did, but I love him more. Sorry." Her soft, sweet voice ended the call. Leaving a weeping angel all alone.

Since then he'd given up on love, the girl practically tore his heart out, stomped on it repeatedly and never bothered to fix it.

Then he met Chan.

He's always been grateful for Chan. He felt at home with him. He'd always been there for him. He'd sit through hours of Felix just rambling about his day and thoughts and cuddle him to sleep. He thought of him as his soulmate. He wouldn't take as far as twin flames though.

And Hyunjin.

Boy, that man stole his heart and left him speechless when he first saw him and listened to him sing. Felix was in love. But he also lived Chan very very much. Though, he knew he'd never end up with Chan.

Hyunjin and Felix started dating just a few months into 2020. He remembers their conversation, he was baking cookies for them,

"Yongbok? What are you doing here? It's 3 in the morning!"

Felix gave a timid, tired smile, "Baking chocolate chip cookies, the first batch are on the plates hyung."

Hyunjin smiled and bit into the cookies, the perfect, melted chocolate chips with the slightly crispy crust exploded on his mouth,

"Ahh Felix! These are amazing! I'll take some for Minho and Changbin, but there's something I need to ask you."

Felix stopped cleaning the dishes and dried his hands, pushing back his hair, chewing his bottom lip pit of habit,

"Yeah? What is it?"

Hyunjin himself was scared,

"Are you dating Changbin? Or I.N? Or Seungmin?"

Felix chuckled and shook his head lightly,

"Hyung, where'd you get that from? No I'm not dating anyone."

"Good, do you want to? Date?"

"Who? Changbin? No, I love him sure but no. Nor Seungmin, Han, I.N, Minho-" he was cut off by a pair of smooth lips, he instinctively wrapped his arms around his waist.

Chan walked in.

His heart shattered for some odd reason (jealousy) he stumbled backwards and dashed to his door. He wasn't homophobic. He himself was...bi. But for some reason the scene. The scene...

Hyunjin backed away,

"Felix, Felix, Felix, Felix. Is...Han asleep?"


"Can I cuddle with you?"


They told the others a week later. Everyone was supportive of course.

But Chan smiled and said nothing. He soon started to distance himself from Hyunjin and Felix. From everyone in fact.

Felix was hurt. He had a feeling as to why. And a week later, his suspicions would come true.

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