Chapter 4 - Promise

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a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen.

Felix had promised himself that he'd become the greatest friend to Chan there had ever been, so the next morning he got up early and made Chan some blueberry pancakes. He was feeling lucky today,

"Ah Felix! What are you up to today?"

Felix smiled, "Seungmin hyung!," he ran to him with a plate full of fluffy, mouthwatering pancakes, "try them?"

Seungmin ruffled his hair, "My baby brother always trying to please everyone, yes I'll have a bite, but we need to talk."

Felix furrows his eyebrows in confusion, hesitating he anxiously awaited Seungmins' response, these had to be perfect,

"Talk? About what?"

Seungmins' eyes shot wide, they were as wide as saucers, "Hey, these are pretty good! Save some for me?"

Felix beamed, "I made enough for a whole town!"

Han sleepily came out of his room, shirt forgotten, his voice deep, "What's all this commotion about?"

Seungmin stuffed a hefty bite into Hans' mouth, "Try them."

Han chewed. The corners of his mouth widening, "Holy shit!," Seungmin slapped the back of of Hans' head, "Sorry, these are amazing! Who made them?"

Seumgmin proudly said Felix and Felix shyly came forward, "Are they really good?"

Han hugged Felix, "These are so good, teach me one day."

Soon it was 10 am and everyone was busy either praising Felix over his pancakes or waffling them down. Felix felt proud. Everyone except for Chan that was. He was still working out.

Felix waited another 10 minutes, he turned to Seungmin,

"Do you think he'll be back soon?"

Seungmin gave an annoyed huff, "Why do you care so much about him? He doesn't care about you. Not anymore that is."

Felix refused to believe that, "he'd just been busy. Besides, he told me to never forget that he'll always be by my side, he made a promise."

Seungmin signaled the others to leave, Hyunjin, Jeongin and Han left to go out shopping. Minho and Changbin decided that they'd go to karaoke and grab lunch too. All of them wouldn't be back until 4 pm, Seungmin would join Changbin and Minho half an hour later.

Seungmin led Felix to the couch, he held his hands in his own, he looked deep into his eyes,

"Felix, i get that you're in love with him. But he doesn't like you back. Not like that anyways, it's so obvious. He's changed. For worse I'd say, he's no longer calm and cool headed around us, every little thing seems to upset him, and honestly, I can't even remember the last time he'd sincerely smiled at us. You deserve better."

Felix felt his heart shatter, but he refused to believe it, "Seungmin hyung, i know you mean well, but I know Chan hyung. I'll admit he's changed for worse, but we should give him some time, he just came out which is a pretty big deal and maybe he's going through some personal stuff that he isn't telling us."

Seungmin looked away, "That could be, but it isn't a reason to start being shitty with everyone. We are here for him, he's seemed to forget that... Felix, promise me something."

Felix searched Seungmins' eyes, "What?"

Seungmin drew in a deep breath, "Next time he hurts you, you tell me. Your hyung. I'm here for you. We all are. You deserve better. But next time he hurts you, don't forgive him so easily."

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