Chapter 1 - Realization

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Basic understanding:

Italics- English 



noun1. an act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact.

For some, realization happens romantically. For some it's a matter of life or death.

But for Chan. It was a confuing time. Hyunjin and Felix has just come out. And for some unknown reason Chan didn't like that (jealous).

He started to distance himself from everyone, the fans noticed how he's stand 10cm away from everyone and wasn't cuddly with them anymore, rumor had surfaced saying he was about to quit. The worst part? Felix started to believe it. Chan has gone to Australia for the weekend and on Saturday the first site posted it


Felix felt ill. Was Chan homophobic? He furrows his eyebrows deep into thoughts and pulled his legs close to him,

"Felix hyung, you okay?"

I.N was cuddling up to him, he wrapped his baggy arms around his tense legs and laid his head onto Felix's shoulder, "Hyung, talk to me."

"Could Chan hyung be leaving? Stray kids? Would it be possible?"

I.N hugged him tightly,

"Hyung, think about it, why would Chan hyung leave us? He's worked his ass off to get here. To get us here. He lands tonight, why don't you ask him?"

Felix let himself be cuddled as I.N fell asleep.

He decided he'd stay up till Chan came home.

And he did.

Chan arrived at the dorm at 4 am. Jet lagged and sleepy he muttered a low, "hello" before flopping onto the couch,

"Channie hyung!!!! Welcome back!! I made brownies for you!"

"Felix? Why are you up?" He said the last part in English. When Chan would get tired he'd resort to his mother tongue.

"For you! Since you were coming home I made brownies! Have some?"

Chan pushed himself off from the couch with as much power as he could, he hugged Felix close,

"Felix, why are you up?"

"...I thought you left us. Left me."

Chan detached himself from Felix, he wrapped his arms around Felix's waist and looked deep into his eyes,

"Why would I ever leave you?"

"Because I'm bisexual. And you hate it."

"Felix, first of all, I am also bisexual, well, Pansexual, second of all, what makes you think that?"

Felix cuddled closer, inhaling his scent,

"You don't hug anyone anymore. Not even me. You stand like 2 feet away from everyone. Even me."

Chan tensed,

"I was...going through some stuff."

"You'd promised you'd always talk to me about it."

"It was personal. You should sleep now. You look tired."

"You'll come with?"

"Hyunjin wouldn't like that."

"I suppose. I'll talk to you in the morning. Please, have some."

That was when he realized it.

That exact moment.

Felix has stayed up till 4 am just for him.

Chan was in love.


He wanted a man who was taken.

He had to fix things with the other members too. He'd do that in the morning.

For now? He'd have some delicious brownies and go to bed on the couch...

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