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chapter eight

The morning was quiet. The birds had just started to wake up with dawn, and the fresh morning dew was still surrounding the forest's floor. It was hard for the humans to stay alert at such an early time of day.

Christina's tired eyes watched the only thing disturbing the quiet morning. Emmett got thrown at the end of the field, the morning dew sticking to his sweatshirt, along with the dust that his body picked up from impact.

"Again," he growled out, not taking the lose from Jasper.

Christina sighed as she sipped gratefully on the thermos full of coffee that Carlisle has prepared for her. She was forever grateful in the morning times with him around. She could have a few more minutes of sleep not having to make her own coffee. Her green hues locked eyes with his golden ones, and she smiled softly.

"Where's Annie?" Bella yawned as she leaned back on the blanket they brought with them to sit on— her own thermos full of coffee beside her.

"School," Christina answered. "I have Emily on standby to pick her up if this takes too long."

Bella nodded her head. "You trust her there?"

"Ironically, without the wolves, yes," Christina laughed an answer, making Bella join in after a short moment.

"They're here," Edward calls out to the field.

Both girls looked to the edge of the trees where the Cullens were staring, but neither could see as far as their vampire sight could. Christina sighed before taking another sip of her coffee, patiently waiting to see the wolves.

It didn't take long for them to reach the forest's edge. There were ten wolves in total, Christina recognized only Jacob and Paul from the day Bella slapped the latter. But the rest of them, Christina couldn't recognize them from their human state— except she assumed the tall onyx colored wolf was Sam, since he was in the front and the alpha.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," Edward commented as each of the Cullens made a similar line like the wolves in front of them.

Carlisle nodded gratefully towards the wolves. "They came, that's all that matters."

Bella sighed as she stared at the russet colored wolf. "Jake..."

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