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chapter five
returning home.

          Christina ran her fingers down Carlisle's bare chest as they listened to the animals wake up with the sun. The warm glow resting on the brunette's back as it showed itself over the ocean. She sighed, keeping her eyes closed as the warmth settled on her bare back. It was the simple moments like this that made the honeymoon special. She enjoyed the quiet mornings, resting in each other's embrace, tickling each other with soft touches and caresses.

"Would you like to go into town today?" Carlisle whispered into Christina's hair.

She smiled brightly as she looked up at him. He took that as a positive answer.

She disappeared into the bathroom, leaving a laughing Carlisle in bed. Her fingers ran over an unfamiliar ivory dress with confusion. It was the bag she had yet to touch in the time spent at the island. It still had a price tag on the bottom, and Christina shook her head with a short laugh.

"Alice," she concluded. The dress was beautiful and simple, perfect for a day out to town. She glanced out the window to see that the sky was outcast, so she grabbed a hat in case the sun decided to come out.

She changed quickly before meeting Carlisle downstairs. He smiled as he saw her appear in his view. "Ready?"

The trip to town was a half hour boat ride, which Christina enjoyed thoroughly. She leaned over the side of the boat and let her fingers dip into the cool water. She enjoyed the fresh air running through her hair, the ocean spraying her gently as they made their way over waves.

Carlisle shut off the engine, throwing a rope to a dock worker; who immediately tied it to a post. Carlisle jumped out of the boat before helping Christina up and on to her feet.

They walked around the open tents selling foods, and clothing. Christina would run her hands down the soft fabrics with wonder as she followed Carlisle through the streets. There was a lot of smells entering her nose, many she'd never smelt before— others she would rather not again. The close proximity of people would cause body odor to reach her nose. It easily overwhelmed the smell of blood surrounding them from both raw meat cooking and the pumping liquid under their skin.

At night fall, the couple had found another festival, much like the one they attended when they first arrived to Rio. This time, Christina was the one that pulled Carlisle onto the dance floor, swaying to the beat of the drum. A smile remained on his face as he watched her dance around him, twirling and jumping with a matching radiate smile.

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